Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sleep Deprivation And Business :: essays research papers

In this age of increased technology and globalization enormous stress is being placed upon the business traveler. In order to stay competitive, business executives must commit to brutal schedules and frequent travels. Increasingly, business travelers are relying upon air travel as their primary form of transportation. This constant movement through different time zones is exhausting and can lead to jet lag. 'Technically called circadian dysrythmia, jet lag is a disruption of the body's intricate biological inner-sleep cycle caused by crossing multiple time zones quickly.'; The mental and physical ramifications of jet lag can be detrimental and potentially dangerous to the individual's health. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, 'Fatigue is the No.1 factor that detrimentally impacts the ability of pilots.'; Footy ' According to a PBS television documentary 'Sleep Alert,'; a Boeing 747 captain noted:'; It is not unusual for me to fall asleep in the cockpit, wake up t wenty minutes later and find the other two crew members totally asleep.';footy In another report, 'A Boeing 757 captain told how his forehead hit the control column on his approach to New York's Kennedy Airport as the need for sleep became overwhelming.';footy Of course, the consequences of sleep deprivation in most cases will not be as severe as the in previous examples, but it does illustrate the importance sleep plays in job performance. The lodging facility of the traveler is in the best position to reduce and alleviate the negative affects of jet lag. In order to provide the best possible service to the guest, hotels will be forced to recognize this problem and create solutions for it. As it stands right now, the best solution to this problem is education. Recognizing the symptoms of jet lag is the first step in the education process. In his book, Power Sleep, Dr. James Maas of Cornell University describes the symptoms of jet lag as follows. Daytime Sleepiness. Ninety percent of travelers report experiencing daytime fatigue and sleepiness. If you give in to the urge to sleep during the day at your destination, you may not be tired enough to sleep at bedtime. Insomnia. The next most common symptom of jet lag is insomnia. You experience difficulty falling asleep at night. Once you do get to sleep you'll have less deep sleep and less REM sleep. The nights sleep is often fragmented by frequent awakenings. Poor Concentration. More than two thirds of air travelers report having poor concentration, or in severe cases of jet lag, temporary amnesia.

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