Saturday, September 21, 2019

Science Fiction Can Be an Influence to the Evolution of Technology Essay Example for Free

Science Fiction Can Be an Influence to the Evolution of Technology Essay Introduction Science fiction and technology have been working hand-in-hand for years. Authors like Gene Rodenberry have influenced many inventors to create technological devices such as touch screen computers, iPads and tablets. Even Star Trek’s transporter technology and transparent aluminum are becoming a reality. Scientists, physicists, and engineers are using science fiction to gain insight to new ideas. The science fiction entertainment genre has often influenced technological development through literature, radio, television, and film. Do Inventors create their products under the Influence of science fiction? Many people see technology pop into reality from the mind of the writers of science fiction, as did inventor Martin Cooper who created the mobile phone and gave credit to where he got his idea. People credit Gene Rodenberry for tablets and Transporter Technology, as well as transparent aluminum, and Apple QuickTime, while others have shown that learning computers came from the idea of Cylons from Battlestar Galactica and Terminator, even the world of Tron. Arthur C. Clarke’s science fiction foresaw the use of Geostationary Satellite (GPS), as well as the Internet, which the world uses today. Jules Verne’s science fiction stories brought people submarines and helicopters. H.G. Wells, who people call the father of science fiction, brought the world atomic energy and rockets through his stories. George Orwell’s book 1984, written in 1948, described a monitoring device, the government spying on the people, and coined the term â€Å"Big Brother.† The government is watching you. A former astronaut, Christopher J. Ferguson, gave credit to science fiction writers for the influence of the creation of the space station. According to How Does Science Fiction Influence Scientific Research? (2011), I look at the space station and vehicles docking in space. Who would have imagined 40 years ago, other than on the pages of Buck Rogers and in the mind of Wernher von Braun, that we would be doing these things? But here we are, doing them on a regular basis. (Christopher J. Ferguson Former United States Astronaut, NASA). These are just a few instances where science fiction technology has influenced the creation of the real thing. There has been a majority of technological advancements by Star Trek, as the tablets, communicators, Bluetooth devices, and even technology in the process of development such as the transporter technology created in the minds of the writers of science fiction. †Fiction† could change an individual’s comprehension with the â€Å"relationships within developments.† (Gordon, 2009). As science fiction authors have envisioned items, some never saw them fulfilled while others have. Strauss (2012), â€Å"Martin Cooper, the director of research and development at Motorola, credited the ‘Star Trek’ communicator as his inspiration for the design of the first mobile phone in the early 1970s.† (Cellphone). Cooper gave Gene Rodenberry the credit for the communicators from the original Star Trek. The writers of science fiction show an influence on people who later develop the work, in light of the fictional idea. Even I-Robot is now in the process of becoming a reality. Creators of the science fiction genre have ideas of what they want to see, although the technology is not available now. Geordi La Forge’s Visor in the Next Generation of Star Trek’s TV show is now becoming a reality. According to GeordiS Visor Becoming A Reality? (2012), Once again, a bit of Star Trek sci-fi is on the verge of becoming reality. This time it’s Geordi La Forge’s VISOR, which enabled the blind character to ‘see’ on Star Trek: The Next Generation, that’s close to becoming a practical device.† (para. 1). The author conceives the creative idea that he or she writes in science fiction genre, which then becomes the basis for scientific realities or possibilities. As the writer’s ideas enter the mind of the inventors, through the invention the ideas become a reality. Many inventors have given credit to Gene Rodenberry for his technological devices in Star Trek. Star Wars is even becoming a reality as well as the other science fiction movies. Many use science fiction genre in the classroom. Science fiction genre came into the classrooms from general science, physics, and even engineering to inspire students. (Segall, 2002) â€Å"Although scie nce fiction has appeared in science and physics education for many years, the genre has not been widely used to augment engineering education. Considering the potential for science fiction to help illustrate many common engineering concepts, while at the same time challenging the students to think about the many possibilities of design and technology, this exclusion represents a loss of a valuable resource.† (p. 419) Albert Segall’s paper showed that science fiction could advance technology and, by not using it, could hinder the inventor. Segall’s point was that science fiction is in the science and physics classroom. It is a needed resource for people in the engineering field. As this shows, science fiction is a big part in creating technology and its devices. A physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku, even gives science fiction credit for the influence of technology. According to Transparent Aluminium Is New State Of Matter' (2009), â€Å"( Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world’s most powerful soft X-ray laser. Transparent aluminium previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion.† (para. 1). as well as the Associated Press’s article on the data scientists gave on the transporter technology, OCONNOR (2002), CANBERRA, Australia (AP) Australian scientists said Monday they had successfully teleported a laser beam encoded with data, breaking it up and reconstructing an exact replica a yard away.† (para. 1). As inventors continue to create new inventions, promising scientists, physicists and engineers can se e the importance of the use of science fiction in a classroom. As Segall showed that science fiction could inspire engineers and inventors of the past, he demonstrated how science fiction could be helpful to students in the future. Some devices which science fiction created are still not a reality Many could say that science fiction is fantasy because time travel, shrinking or enlarging devices, and computer digitalization, as from the movie Tron, are yet to appear. Some people do not look at science fiction as a resource because of its negative aspects. H.G. Wells, the author of the book, Time Machine which foreshadowed the movie called Back to the Future, The 50-Foot Woman, and Honey, I shrunk the Kids are but a few science fiction ideas that have not happened as far as we know. There are many examples that people use to say that science fiction does not influence technology, but there is more evidence to support that it does. Although Lightsabers of Star Wars are not in the same style as the movie, they have become reality in a similar prototype. What are the positive and negative sides of science fiction becoming a reality? As science fiction becomes reality, its use can be positive or negative: but does it help or hurt humankind? Many technological devices developed from science fiction were taken from the private sector, utilized by the Military, and were altered to be used in another manner than previously intended. For instance, George Orwell’s book, called 1984, was banned by many school administrators from being read in schools because of its political outlook of surveillance devices. Conclusion Through literature, radio, television, and film, the entertainment of science fiction has influenced technology and its devices. Arthur C. Clarke has seen the things he has written about come true. Science Fiction writers like Gene Rodenberry, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, George Lucas, and other writers have given physicists, scientists, and engineers ideas of inspiration to create technological devices. Noticeably a few areas of science fiction have not become a reality yet, such as a human being digitized into an electronic form; a human being shrunk or enlarged in size; and time travel. Yet, many things in science fiction have come to reality: for example, mobile phones, tablets, and touch screen computers. Even the term â€Å"Big Brother is watching you,† given through the thoughts of George Orwell from his book 1984, written in 1948, has seen a counterpart in modern surveillance equipment. The relationship of science fiction and technology has been working hand-in-hand for generations. Reference Segall, A. E. (2002, October). Science fiction in the engineering classroom to help teach basic concepts and promote the profession. Journal of Engineering Education, 91(4), 419-423. How does science fiction influence scientific research?. (2011). Retrieved from Gordon, R. (2009, December). Learning From Fiction: Applications in Emerging Technologies. Bulletin of Science, Technology Society, 29(6), 470 475. Retrieved from Strauss, M. (2012). Ten Inventions Inspired by Science Fiction. Retrieved from Putt, S. (2011). Using science fiction to teach science facts. Minnesota State University, Mankato). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 41. Retrieved from 12. (894263497). Transparent aluminum is new state of matter. (2009). Retrieved from OCONNOR, P. (2002). Scientists Report Teleported Data. Retrieved from a.htm Geordis VISOR Becoming A Reality?. (2012). Retrieved from

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