Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Essay examples --

What is a public good? A public good is something that is of benefit to multiple people, including yourself cannot prevent them getting the benefit from. Most things in economics are scarce – say a person is the only one able to enjoy the delicious citrus taste of the can of Diet Coke with Citrus Zest because their consumption of it prevents others from drinking it as well. A public good is something that everyone gets the benefit from, like national defense. This creates the problem for free riders that get the benefit of public goods without paying for them – for instance, a tourist who goes to the seaside and throws his can of Diet Coke with Citrus Zest on the ground, just to be picked up by some council worker who his taxes don't fund. Where the concept gets a bit more controversial is in international affairs, which is where we have the concept of a global public good. Global public goods are things completed by particular countries that benefit everyone else even if they don't have anything to do with it. Because they are inevitably provided by the dominant power and people are rightly suspicious of claims of altruism in foreign policy, it would be safe to say that some people would say the concept doesn't exist. Yet it really does. An often-cited example of a global public good was the way that the United Kingdom kept the seaways open during the period of the Empire, which allowed trading to continue between all countries unhindered. Of course, the British did not do this just because they are jolly good sports. People should not dismiss the belief in one's altruism as a motivating factor in foreign policy; but of course such beliefs are powerless against material interests which dictate to the contrary. By keeping the se... ...we will see the end of uni-polarity and a new era of bi- or tri-polarity as Russia reasserts itself and China grows in power. A world order built by the Chinese and Americans together is going to be quite different to one just made by the Americans, because it was the US who created all these multilateral institutions - global public goods - that the Americans are blamed for incidents, such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization. Despite its faults and excesses, America has reinforced the global system of trade, sovereignty and security for years now - these things didn't just happen by coincidence. It has provided many benefits to free riders the all over the world. History will judge if the United States, generally, did more bad than good. However, there's no God-given guarantee the alternative will be any better.

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