Monday, September 30, 2019

Macbeth as a tragic hero

The focal point of the paper is to trace the instances of Macbeth’s character as a tragic hero. This would also include the appearance of the witches when he was pure and loyal and gradually descend to the point of near insanity when he found himself nearing the ultimate stage of becoming evil himself. It could well be mentioned in this context that concept of a hero and a tragic hero is rather a perspective of the reader. However, it can be stated that a character is defined as a hero when he appears to be a central character of the story. This same person is labeled as a tragic hero if the readers find him indulging in acts that are not moral or legal. Macbeth fits this criterion of a tragic hero perfectly. (Tyerman, 233-35) The text reveals in the opening phase of the drama that Macbeth is an extremely capable warrior in accordance to the account of the captain, thus making him an important aspect of the drama. It is here through the captain’s point we come to know that Macbeth is one of the most loyal subjects of King Duncan. Next we see that Macbeth is interacting with three witches who helps us understand the three major attributes of Macbeth i.e. self-doubt, ambition and physical bravery. At the same time it beyond doubt in the basement Macbeth’s character is clean and as a solder he is true to his job and his king. (Powell, 49-50) However, at the end of this scene we see the ignition of evil in the form of ambition but in an understated phase. This was a state where he was fighting for his king and now when victory was achieved he wanted the better part of it for himself. Things started changing at a faster phase and Macbeth found himself submerging into the various aspects of evil. First he, with the instigation of Lady Macbeth, he killed King Duncan then it was the turn of Banquo. Banquo was a friend but he was eliminated in the process of keeping Macbeth’s throne safe. He did not stop to this and eliminated the family too. By the end of the play, at his death, Macbeth was completely a tragic hero as a character. (Powell, 51-53) The transition of Macbeth from being a heroic character to a tragic hero came in various phases and aspects of circumstances and political developments. It was not a justification from Macbeth’s point in the act of killing King Duncan. The only justification of Macbeth was his ambition. He was not pleased with his possession of Glamis and Cawdor, he wanted more. He wanted to be the king himself. It is true that he was instigated by the witches. The witches stated â€Å"All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee. Thane of Glamis! / All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee. Thane of Cawdor! / All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king thereafter!† (Shakespeare, I.3) This lead to the assassination of Duncan with ample moral and physical support from Lady Macbeth and all this time Macbeth tries to be brave and just to himself but deep inside his morality is broken although Lady Macbeth tried her heart out to justify each evil acts of Macbeth. Macbeth knows that he is on the wrong side. For Macbeth, as he mentions time and again, Duncan is more than a king to Macbeth and is like a father to him. Thus with this act of treachery and treason he was, at a sphere, murder his father. This was a huge leap towards becoming a tragic hero as well as a negative character. (Tyerman, 235-37) Banquo too fought beside him with almost equal success and that created doubts in Macbeth’s mind as Banquo was about to become an important foe in the line of his ambition. This too was prophesied by the witches stating that the decedents of Banquo would reign as ruler. Thus it became more obvious that Banquo should be killed. However, he himself knows very well that whatever he is doing is unethical and unjustified and he becomes more aligned with the witches where the inner self represented as the witches are depicted as ridiculous and bizarre and obviously unholy with their actions like â€Å"Double, double, toil and trouble, / Fire burn and cauldron bubble† (Shakespeare, IV.i.10–11) and â€Å"eye of newt and toe of frog†. (Shakespeare, IV.i.14). At this part Macbeth becomes an extension of evil spirit such as the witches themselves. At this point whatever Macbeth acts or represents becomes a manifestation of ill fate and unholy intensions. He orders assassinations and tries to kills any and every heir to the throne like a true negative character and this plays an impact over his mind. One major part of this follow through was Macbeth’s misapprehension of blood. (Prawer, 224-5) He saw blood everywhere and it appeared to him that this blood was of Duncan’s and that it could not be rinsed away. â€Å"I am in blood / Stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o’er† (Shakespeare, III. 4. 135–137). It would be relevant to mention that the playwright William Shakespeare depicted the character of Macbeth as a metaphor of human ambition gone wrong. This makes a character that starts as a brave and powerful warrior who is completely loyal to his abilities and more so to his king. He is well loved by his men and friends and the King himself and there is no reason to accept him as a positive hero but gradually we find him rolling into the abyss of evil procedures and ultimately becomes a tragic hero as a character. The arrival of the three witches also signifies the contributing factor as an instrument. This part of the text appears to us as a superficial metaphor but this is apparently no illusion as per the drama. This is because there was another person who witnessed the witches and he is Banquo. Therefore, it could be ascertained that the characters of the three witches are in reality not illusions but a simple dramatic manifestation of the underlying sense of ambition of a courageous warrior who has tasted success few moments ago for his King, Duncan. This was a state where he was fighting for his king and now when victory was achieved he wanted the better part of it for himself. It is but human to ask more and it is human to be prone towards errors. But these are not qualities of a hero. Thus Macbeth is more tragic hero than a hero. (Prawer, 221-2) In this context it would be relevant to mention that the trace the instances of Macbeth’s `visions’ also contributes to the fact that Macbeth was becoming a tragic hero as a character. His visions were so powerful because his desires were authoritative, commanding and extremely influential. Macbeth’s visions in the end appears to be born out of the conflict of morality and ambition and thus could be well be narrated as a manifestation of the argument of the inner self. These visions are therefore both illusions and imprint of the psychological analysis at the same time. But the overall aspect of these illusions is negative as they are all inclined towards evil visions of death, blood and fear. A character that experiences these visions makes the character negative with a malevolence vibe. Such a person is never a hero. But as he is the central character of the drama it would be logical to address him as a tragic hero. (Prawer, 223-4) In the later stages we see that illusions in the true sense of a psychologist appear in the scene with Macbeth visualizing the appearance of Banquo’s ghost. This is nothing superficial but the inner fear of an otherwise physically brave individual. Macbeth tries to be brave and just to himself but deep inside his morality is broken although Lady Macbeth tried her heart out to justify each evil acts of Macbeth. Macbeth knows that he is on the wrong side and the fear of remaining in the wrong side ultimately was manifested as the ghost of Banquo. Macbeth’s subconscious morality projected the act of murder as a ghost. It is a true illusion but of the psychological context. Psychology plays a deep impact on Macbeth all the text and another superficial aspect of Macbeth’s inner fears were revealed when he visualized Banquo’s dead body looking at him and he is tremendously terrified that Banquo might still be alive. This one vision or illusion appears as a striking note to Macbeth’s morality and thus expose the inner contradiction of Macbeth’s ambition, morality, justification and self doubt. (Gervers, 17-22) In conclusion it can be stated that Macbeth is a villain in many senses but a lovable villain without doubt and this contributes this character to become one of the crafted tragic hero of literature. Reference: Shakespeare, W; Complete Works of Shakespeare; (National Book Trust 1982) Prawer, H A; Kings and Kingdoms: Analysis of Royalty in Shakespearean Plays (Allied Publishers 1998) pp 221-5 Powell, M; Anatomy of a Character: Macbeth (ABP Ltd 2001) pp 49-53 Gervers, V; Power Mechanism in Literature (HBT Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2000) pp 17-22 Tyerman, J; Invention of the Tragic King (Allied Publications 2001) pp 233-37

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Banana Peel as Shoe Polish Essay

INTRODUCTION Shoe polish is a product used to shine, polish, and protect leather footwear. Polishing shoes will increase their life span. In present times, everybody always use shoe polishers for their shoes to look presentable and fabulous to walk with attractive thus boosting more confidence to its beholder. But no everyone knows that traditional shoe polish which are available in market made of harmful chemical and synthetic ingredients which has a bad door. Since it uses petroleum as it’s basis it is also flammable which makes it dangerous to human health and may cause some hazards like fires. The banana peel is known for its antifungal and antibiotic properties. The peel is also loaded with a lot of Vitamins, minerals and fiber Many articles and pamphlets say that banana peel is even effective in shining and smoothening surfaces like shoes made up of leather. There are many advocacies promoting environment preservation and restoration. This may help in these advocacies. Because the main ingredient was just banana peel so that will lessen the production of biodegradable garbage.And also,the product will cost lesser than those of commercial because only the tools and some additives are need to be bought, so we can assume convenience to those who will buy our product. It may also emit the old tradition of just throwing banana peel instead they can collect it and donate for us to transform it into a more useful and effective product which happen to be the banana floor polisher. Main Problem How feasible is the production of Shinana in terms of management, operation, technical, and socio-economic aspects? Specifically, this proposal will answer the following questions: 1. Management Aspects a) What is the name of the company? b) What is the Vision? c) What is the Mssion? d) What form of ownership is applied? e) What are the advantages of that form of business? f) What are the organizational policies or procedures? 2. Marketing Aspects a) What is the product description? b) Who are the target markets? c) How will the product be priced? d) How much is the expected return of investment? e) Are there freebies or discounts offered? f) Who are the business competitors? g) What marketing strategies are applicable? h) What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats? 3. Operational & Technical Aspects a) What are the uses/ functions/descriptions of the material or equipment? b) What are the steps in coming up with the product? 4. Socio-Economic Aspects a) How can the product help the people? b) How can it help the society? c) How will the government be benefited? CHAPTER 2 MANAGEMENT ASPECT This chapter deals with the five different processes of management which are planning,organizing,staffing, directing, and controlling. Shinana, a word combination of the first three letters of the word SHINE and the last four letters of the word BANANA, was chosen as the company name because obviously, the name itself signifies â€Å"Making things shine through banana.As envisioned by the entrepreneur, Shinana, a product for shoe beautification will make everyone’s shoes shine with the natural shoe-shining quality banana peelings possess. The entrepreneur had come up with product because she had been exposed to Science Congress/Exhibits during her highschool days in UNIDA Christian Colleges.The said events shows the school’s students impressive innovative products, discovery, and research studies. Luckily, the entrepreneur had the chance to be one of the participants of the said Congress.Banana peel as shoe shine concept emerged from the said event. Since banana peelings are only thrown-out after its fruit has been taken off,our company thougths that we can help the society through abolishing the traditional manner of disposing its peelings and process it to a more useful  form which is SHINANA. VISION The leading supplier in shoe beautification industry in the Philippines acknowledge for the creation of innovative shoe shine products that complements not only consumer needs and wants but also the environment’s needfor careful preservation and protection. MISSION Our enterprise shall provide efficient, eco-friendly, and quality shoe shine products locally through efficient use and systematic production of shoe shine products with banana peelings as its main raw material. FORM OF OWNERSHIP Shinana is a sole proprietorship form of business. The owner is A-Zmyn T. Honrado.Once it makes name in the industry, it can expand its product line(will be able to offer variety of shoeshine products ),can develop new products like floor wax, sprays,disinfectants,varnish,colored wax polish made from banana peelings and other organic materials. ADVANTAGES OF SOLE OWNERSHIP Advantages of Sole Proprietor Form of Business: The formation of sole proprietorship business is very easy and simple. The entrepreneur owns all and risks all. The entire profit goes to his pocket. This motivates the proprietor to put his heart and soul in the business to earn more profit. Thus, the direct relationship between effort and reward motivates the entrepreneur to manage the business more efficiently and effectively. The entrepreneur takes all decisions affecting the business.This results in better control of the business and ultimately leads to efficiency. Thus, the entrepreneur as sole proprietor can arrive at quick decisions concerning the business by which he can take the advantage of any better opportunities. Each and every aspect of the business is looked after by the proprietor and the business secrets are known to him only.Thus, the maintenance of adequate secrecy leaves no scope to his competitors to be aware of the business secrets. The sole proprietorship business is undertaken on a small scale. If any change is required in business  operations, it is easy and quick to bring the changes. The cost of formation of a sole proprietorship is the minimum because no cost is involved in its formation. The management of the business is also inexpensive as no specialists are normally appointed in various functional areas of the business. The dissolution of the sole proprietorship is also very easy. Since the proprietor is the supreme authority and no regulations are applicable for closure of the business he can dissolve his business any time he likes. ORGANIZATIONAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES All individuals pass a verification procedure, including the completion of an â€Å"Employment Verification Form†, before they are permitted to work. Harassment in employment, including sexual, racial, and ethnic harassment, as well as any other harassment forbidden by law, is strictly prohibited by the Company The Company does not discriminate, and does not permit its employees to discriminate against other employees or applicants because of race,color,religion, sex, etc. Employees are prohibited from engaging in web logging or â€Å"blogging† during working time or while using Company-equipment Periodic evaluations may be made to determine your individual progress, training needs, and potential pay increases. Pay increases are not automatic and depend on factors such as the employee’s demonstrated job proficiency and the Company’s ability to pay. When present employees are qualified and as justified by our Company needs and growth, the Company offers as many opportunities for promotions as possible. Plant/Office Personnel normally scheduled 8 hours per shift, 40 hours per week. Habitual or excessive absenteeism and tardiness cannot be tolerated. Employees are required to record their own time in and out Employees shall clock in and out on time, but not earlier/later than 4 minutes before their scheduled starting work time . Safety is everybody’s business Head Protection: Employees exposed to flying or falling objects and/or electrical shock and burns shall be safeguarded by means of approved head protection. Eye and Face Protection: Employees working in locations where eye hazards due to flying particles, hazardous substances or injurious light  rays are inherent in the work or environment shall be safeguarded by and shall use employer-provided face or eye protection with Suitable screens or shields isolating the hazardous exposure shall safeguard nearby employees. The wearing of contact lens is prohibited in working environments having harmful exposure to materials or light flashes. Body Protection: Body protection from hazardous or flying substances shall be provided by clothing appropriate for the work being done. Hand Protection: Gloves may be required for employees whose work exposes hands to hazardous substances, cuts or burns. Foot Protection: Appropriate foot protection shall be required for employees who are exposed to foot injuries from hot, corrosive, poisonous substances, falling objects, crushing or penetrating actions, which may cause injuries. Ear Protection: Ear Protection must be worn in Production areas. For safety reasons, smoking of tobacco products and drinking alcohol beverages is not permitted. Floors shall be kept clean and dry. Floors and platforms shall be kept free of projections, obstructions, holes and loose All control buttons and switches shall be properly identified as to their function and purpose. All shall Return tools and equipment to proper storage place after use. No jewelry, long hair or loose clothing is allowed around any machinery while operating. MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL 1.Marketing head/Sole owner a.Creates promotional strategy for the products demandability. b. Sees if the product meet the customer’s need. c.Formulates the raw material combination through extensive researches d.Sees if the company is profitable or not using accounting principles 2.Production Manager a. Supervises all the production staffs b.Creates weekly reports to be submitted to the marketing head regarding the developments in production process. c.Schedules his/her subordinates break/meal time. d.Controls the quality of the finished product before proceeding to the packaging process. 3.Production staff a. Scrapes the white part of banana peel b.Mixes all the ingredients c.Operates on plastic squeezer equipment to pack the finished products. CHAPTER 3 MARKETING ASPECT This chapter involves understanding the target market,their likes and dislikes, the marketing strategies implemented and how the customers evaluated the product. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Shinana is a product used to shine, polish, and protect leather footwear thereby extending it’s life. It comes in various forms, including wax, paste, cream, and liquid, and can be applied in many different ways. TARGET MARKETS Shinana’s target markets are all who have leather shoes.Be it a professional,students,businesswoman/man,teacher, mother ,father, sister, brother.In short, everyone who wants to look presentable by polishing their shoes. FREEBIES AND DISCOUNTS 10% Discount are available to those who will buy in boxes which contains 10 pcs of Shinana.Thus , from the original price of Php 50.00, the buyer can avail it for only Php45.00 instead.The buyer can save Php 5.00 each box. Similarly, those who will buy 1000 pcs, can save up to Php 500.00.From the original price of Php 5000.00, buyers can avail it for only Php4500.00. BUSINESS COMPETITORS Obviously, the number and only one competitor is KIWI, owned by Sara Lee.Prior to the introduction of the Company’s Product Shinana.KIWI monopolized the shoe beautification industry.Since Kiwi have been operating for more than century. They run print advertisements in a variety of national magazines. The Kiwi ads are printed in bright red, matching the color in the background of the brand’s logo. The Kiwi campaign is running in magazines like Black Enterprise, Car andDriver, Cargo, Ebony, Esquire, Men’s Fitness, National Geographic etc..Most of the new product launches of Kiwi was in line with the changing consumer preferences. MARKETING STRATEGIES In order for Shinana to be known to the public, the company will run printed advertisements such as flyers, posters.The company will also make online pages on websites like Facebook, Twitter,and Multiply that will entertain prospect/future customers’ inquiry about such product. Please see  attachments in the Appendix. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS Shoe polish usually is a mixture of natural and synthetic materials. Cosmetic shoe polish of various dangerous ingredients. These chemicals can be easily absorbed through the skin causing potential harm to the skin and other organs of the body . It is essential that in using shoe polish, one must wear gloves when doing so, one must not drink alcohol while polishing shoes (it can increase the effects of certain chemicals), and must keep all shoe polish out of reach of children and animal companions. If used, shoe polish should be used in a well-ventilated area, and all of the product shoud be used, with any residual being discarded or given to someone who will use it. When disposed, shoe polish needs to be handled as a hazardous househould substance. Rags or clothes used that come in contact with the shoe polish should also be immediately discarded. While some shoe polished claim to be non-toxic, most do not list their ingredients, so it is impossible to know that they are truly free of dangerous chemicals. But now,through the introduction of Shinana, an eco-friendly shoe polish, Consumers can minimize the health hazards brought by using traditional polishers. The ingredients of Shinana contains no harmful chemicals thereby not endangering someone’s health. Because it doesn’t contains expensive harmful chemicals and only need banana peel that are only thrown out after the fruit has been taken off, its price is cheaper than that of the traditional shoe polish.Shinana, as have said earlier, is an eco-friendly product for it requires no proper disposal since it is all natural. WEAKNESSES Because Shinana is all-natural, it perishes faster than that of the traditional shoe polish. Salt is the only preservative Shinana has, and according to tests,a bottle of Shinana last only for one and a half month that rendered our product,in comparison to traditional old polish , less convenient to its users. Shinana was only owned by A-Zmyn T. Honrado, a student, who has still no enough capital for the regularization of conducting business.Thus, Shinana is short-lived business on the grounds of economic constraint.And also, the owner still lack skills, profession,talent  needed to pursue the business since she was only a second year student taking Business Management. OPPORTUNITIES Banana is very much common in the Philippines. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants and is grown in at least 107 countries, primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent to their peelings .Banana peelings cost nothing(see product pricing), like in the entrepreneur’s case. Many banana cue,turon, saging con yelo, halo-halo prevailed the market.The owner sees that peeling are only throwned after the fruit has been taken off for we all know that many of us don’t prefer to eat banana peelings aside from its fruit,though the former is edible. This poses a great opportunity for the entrepreneur to make efficient use of that disposed banana peelings that’s why she came up with the product. THREATS Due to some innovation of ideas, leather shoes are now being replaced by plastic shoes that is relatively cheaper than that of the leather shoes. Many prefer plastic shoes since it is durable even the it is raining.And because many prefer plastic over leather shoes, shoe polish demandability decreases.Luckily,the company is on its way in formulating shoe polish product for plastic shoe. Another is that, the company has no definite suppliers,the number of products that can be produced is dependent on the number of banana peelings collected from anywhere.There’s no control over the resources since they are only donated,not bought CHAPTER4 OPERATIONAL AND TECHNICAL ASPECT This includes all the factors of the production and the processes MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT MATERIALS: 100 g banana peelings1tbspoon rock salt 2 g black dye coloring powder TOOLS Picture of Tools Description/Function Mortar and pestle Mortar is a round bottom thick walled container in which a solid material may be grinned while pestle is a long cylindrical wide based rod used for grinding in mortar Stirring rod A stirring rod or stir rod is a piece of laboratory equipment usually made of solid glass, about the thickness and slightly longer than a drinking straw, with rounded ends that is used to mix chemicals and liquids for laboratory purposes. Plastic cup A plastic cup is a disposable cup made out of plastic. It is most commonly used as a container to hold liquids. Plastic spoon A plastic utensil consisting of a small, shallow bowl on a handle, used in preparing, serving, or eating food. Steel Fork A metal utensil with two or more prongs, used for eating or serving food. EQUIPMENT Picture of Equipment Description/Function Handy plastic sealer A 1-foot long electrical equipment that uses principle of pressure in order to seal plactics. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE: 1. Scrape the white part of the banana peel with the use of steel fork. 2. Mash the peeling with mortar and pestle. 3. Pour in the salt and mix it with the peelings. 4. Pour in the black dye powder and mix it with the peeling-salt mixture. 5. Put the finished product in its packaging. CHAPTER 5 SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECT SHINANA AND THE PEOPLE According to some news,unemployment and underemployment rate in the Phillipines continue to increase yearly.There are many who have the skills,talents,profession but there’s no position to fill with.The establishment of the company will provide employment to many if given the chance to expand its operation. And also, Shinana helped the people by providing their needs for shoe beautification needs in an eco-friendly and natural way. It will also provide for people’s demand for inexpensive goods for,the product will cost lesser than those of commercial because only the tools and some additives are need to be bought, so we can assume convenience to those who will buy the company’s product. Shinana also may help those who ventured in banana fruit businesses,since the company will be the one responsible for the disposal of the peelings.So we can assume convenience to them particularly in disposing these useful peelings. SHINANA AND THE SOCIETY We all know that our country is in economic crisis.Resources are scarce yet our needs and wants are mean to say, we should make out of everything.Shinana can help the society by giving some concrete response to many advocacies promoting environment preservation and restoration.Shinana may help in these advocacies because the main ingredient was just banana peel so that will lessen the production of biodegradable garbage. It may also emit the old tradition of just throwing banana peel instead they can collect it and donate to the company for the company to transform it into a more useful and effective product which happen to be the banana shoe polisher. The Department of Health, issues emergency instructions regarding the INHALATION,EYE CONTACT,SKIN CONTACT of shoe polish. Another is that,In Los Angeles and most other places, shoe polish is disallowed in the regular trash. It must be disposed of as a hazardous material like mercury, because it often contains materials like naphtha and turpentine. Shinana can help the society, particularly by meeting the needs for a chemical-free shoe  polish as replacement to the traditional shoe polish which is full of dangerous chemicals.Shinana gave way to reusing the peel to polish the shoe through oils and the potassium present in banana polish that can preserve ones shoes. After the oils and potassium has been scraped from the peel,the company will compost the peel. Through Shinana, we can have polished shoes without damaging the society’s well-beingand without endangering the environment, leaving behind zero packaging waste. SHINANA AND THE GOVERNMENT Government promotes business activity in the Philippines for it will have a drastic effect in the economic health of the country. The more the business activities the faster is the circulation of the Philippine Currency.The more the business activity, spending prevails over saving.Shinana can help the government by conforming to these economic programs initiated by the government. Another is that, our company, if will be given a chance to expand its operations will be able to export Shinana that will eventually become not only as a source of pride for the Filipinos but will also help in increasing the country’s GDP or Gross Domestic product which is one of the measure of our country’s economic performance. Lastly, government will be benefited because businesses are required to register the business.They collect such registration fees, licences fees.Another is that, because of the inherent power of the state, the company are required to pay taxes to the government that are used for the government to defray their necessary expenses.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

E COMMERCE LAW Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

E COMMERCE LAW - Coursework Example Pp. 194) Section 5 of the English Civil Evidence Act of 1995 stipulates instances when electronic evidence is admissible. It states â€Å"in a civil suit, a statement, which is obtained from a document generated by a computer, shall be considered as evidence of any facts contained therein of which direct oral evidence would carry much weight, if it was shown that some conditions are met in relation to the statement and computer under consideration†. Subsection 2 gives the conditions that are to be satisfied (Friedman, 2005. Pp. 63). One of the conditions to be satisfied is that the document having the statement has had to be produced during times over which the computer was used to store the information for the purposes of the tasks that are frequently carried on over that time by an individual or a corporate body. Another condition is that, over time, there was regular supply to the computer, information that is similar of the kind found in the statement or of the type from which the content is derived. Additionally, and throughout the material time, the computer must have been in proper operation, or if not, that its in-operation at the time was incapable of affecting the production of the article or the accuracy of what is contained in the document. The last condition stipulates that the information that is contained in the statement is derived from the data supplied to the pc in the ordinary cause of those activities (Hedley, 2006. Pp. 22). The best evidence rule provides that he who wants to produce evidence in a court of law must Endeavour to give the court the original evidence or the best evidence to assist the court to come up with the best legal conclusion. In Garton vs. Hunter (1969) and Springsteen vs. Masquerade Music Limited (2001) EWCA Civil case number 563, both Lord Denning and Parker LJ agree that the best evidence rule of admissibility has been overtaken by time. Parker LJ in his judgment points out that the

Friday, September 27, 2019

The war on terror has contibuted to abuse of human rights Essay

The war on terror has contibuted to abuse of human rights - Essay Example No, have not attached my survey results; though have used that information to answer queries. 5. Put your claim/position and â€Å"evidence† through the â€Å"Scientific Method† and â€Å"Proving a theory† steps. Are there any steps on which your claim/position and evidence do not measure up to the examination? If so, what can you do to make them more acceptable? My purpose is to campaign and put emphasis on human right. I would wish my audience to think about the ideal way on how to deal with in just practice globally. Specifically ways on how to curd terrorism globally. I would wish them to think on the in justice done to the Arab countries by the Americans. Dropping of bombs to destroy lives of the innocent and infrastructure in those countries by America and its allies could also be termed as terrorism itself. If, America and its allies wished to get rid of terrorist they could have used a more appropriate way. In this sense, a way that would have spared the innocent souls. 8. What words or phrases have you included to cause your audience to do, feel, or think the way that you want them to do, feel, or think? Include all of your motivational or empathetic â€Å"cues† for your audience. My purpose is to campaign and put emphasis on human right. I would wish my audience to think about the ideal way on how to deal with in just practice globally. Specifically ways on how to curd terrorism globally. I would wish them to think on the in justice done to the Arab countries by the Americans. Dropping of bombs to destroy lives of the innocent and infrastructure in those countries by America and its allies could also be termed as terrorism itself. If, America and its allies wished to get rid of terrorist they could have used a more apt way. In this sense, a way that would have spared the innocent souls. I feel that my audience will get

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Maori Identity Expression and Development in Once Were Warriors Essay

Maori Identity Expression and Development in Once Were Warriors - Essay Example I used the concepts and arguments from the following major theorists: Murray and Conrich (2008), Barclay (1990), Pihama (1996), Alia and Bull (2005) and Mita (1996). Murray and Conrich (2008) explore the meaning of ‘indigenous self-expression,’ while Barclay (1990) describes the process and effects of ‘talking in’ for indigenous people. Pihama (1996) emphasises the importance of contextualising Maori violence in order to avoid ethnic stereotyping. Alia and Bull (2005, p.64) argue that as indigenous groups internalise outsider views and develop their own internal understanding of their societies, they are involved in the ‘invention of tradition.’ Mita (1996) asserts that films provide the opportunity of decolonising themes. For this essay, I ask: How does Once Were Warriors reflect the ideas of the ‘indigenous self-expression’ (Murray and Conrich 2008), ‘our own image’ and ‘talking in’ (Barclay 1990), and â €˜decolonising the screen’ (Mita 1996)? Once Were Warriors reflects ‘indigenous self-expression’ (Murray and Conrich 2008), ‘our own image’ and ‘talking in’ (Barclay 1990) through emphasising the remaking and reclaiming of the warrior Maori culture in different ways and ‘decolonising the screen’ (Mita 1996) through reducing Western influences and focusing on the legitimacy of the hybrid Maori-modern culture. The paper concludes that Once Were Warriors signifies the remaking of Maori identity through the process of reclaiming their warriorhood status that simultaneously decolonises Maori identity development. ii. Reflexive Introduction I chose this film because it represents the breakdown of the indigenous social fabric, after colonisation has eroded the cultural fabric of the colonised. As a person who has a strong sense of colonisation history and who values family and clan ties, I can relate to the impacts of colonisati on and urbanisation on the social ties and identity-making of the Maori. Colonisation and its subsequent urbanisation and commercialisation effects have eroded the Maoris’ sense of identity, affecting not only their ethnic group as a whole, but also their family roots and individual personalities. I am then interpreting the film, not only from the views and concepts of the aforementioned theorists, but also from my own family and social values and experiences, because I am someone who deeply respects and values collectivistic societies, of which I am also a proud part of. I continue to strongly ground my analysis on scholarly research, nonetheless, through using textual analysis and semiotics that can help me attain a balanced perspective. iii. Background Introduction Since the early 1970s, a significant cultural shift is changing Maori representation in films, a shift called the â€Å"Maori Renaissance† (Keown 2008, p.197). Lee Tamahori’s Once Were Warriors bel ongs to this shift, as it portrays the implications of one of the historical events in the Maoris’ lives, their migration from rural, coastal ancestral lands to Pakeha-dominated urban areas and the effects of this migration to their ethnic identity-making process and identities (Keown 2008, p.197). For this essay, I explore how the film reflects indigenous expression and decolonisation themes. My research question is: How does Once Were Warriors reflect the ideas of the ‘indigenous self-expression’ (Murray and Conrich 2008), ‘our own image’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Computer technology and the networked organization Essay

Computer technology and the networked organization - Essay Example This helps one monitor the network properly. Any failure is easily seen and will not affect the entire organisation of the company. Star topology is reliable because it is easy to back up the data and easy to access the data. Another important reason is that in this topology my companies system will have no disruptions to the network when connecting and removing devices. Under the architecture the configurations of the company peer to peer networking architecture will be put in place. This will be of help because all the computers in the network will have the same privilege, capabilities and responsibility among themselves. This will enable file sharing and if anyone wants to acquire information from another customer then he will do it fast and also it is hard for the system to collapse because all computers depend from each other not like client server where one computer is expected for file sharing. The communication protocol used will be TCP/IP because it will enable the computers in the network to communicate without the help of central management. The reason why I will use TCP/IP in my company because it is compatible with various types of computer hardware and network configurations. Another reason why I found it relevant is it routable and so finds the most efficient path for the packets to move across the network. I would have created a firewall that will not allow the people who are not in the network to get access in it. This implies that it will set up a control of the incoming and outgoing network traffic by analysing the data packets and determining whether it should pass or not. Secondly I will train my personnel and enforce a having employees and customers who understand and adhere to the companies’ security policies will enable reduce security problems. I will create strong security passwords and strong forms of authentication to prevent guessing and cracking. Thirdly I will uses security

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Organizational Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Management - Essay Example Perhaps the most overarching consideration is Oliver’s vision. The case study indicates that Oliver has an evangelical-like enthusiasm for his business, particularly the authenticity of his food products. One considers that in terms of leadership theory such an approach is largely akin to a charismatic leadership style, as Oliver leverages his intensity for the business to inspire the employees around him. This approach could be implemented in different management contexts through ensuring that the organization’s mission and purpose is aligned in a socially responsible way. This would encourage employee identification with the leader and the organization’s larger evangelical purposes. Notably, such an evangelical approach has prominently emerged in technology companies such as Apple, Inc. and to a lesser extent Facebook. The study indicates that Oliver and his associates had a rigorous selection process in choosing the trainees. To a degree this process can be an alyzed in terms of prominent OB theories and HRM practices. In terms of OB theories the trainees were chosen based on a belief that their personality could eventually function in the environment Oliver had envisioned. HRM practices were implemented as the interviews took on a structured process, where potential trainees were called back for later interviews.

Monday, September 23, 2019

User Centred Design for Web Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

User Centred Design for Web - Coursework Example The test was carried out by having the site on a computer and then supplying the youth with the scenario. The youth was told why he was supposed to carry out the activity. The developers had to stay aside and watch how the youth carried out the activity. The time that was taken by the youth to complete the activity had to be recorded. The more time the youth took to carry out an activity meant how hard navigation on the page was. Think aloud Technique This technique was to involve the chairman of the management committee. The method was chosen because it allowed the chairman to talk aloud of what he was doing in the website. The chairman was chosen because he was seen to be the person who would be more representative of the elderly Sudanese member visiting the site. The evaluation was carried out by having the paper prototype prepared and given to the chairman. The task of finding and uploading pictures within the gallery was to be carried out using the prototype. The developers had to record the thoughts of the chairman as he carried out the activity. The record would convey how the chairman intended to carry out the activity and the way he carried them using the site. The efficiency of the recording had to be ensured by having an audio recorder and also one of the developers writing down the important points. These will be evaluated later after the test. Lessons Learned The evaluation technique was a success because it identified main areas of weakness of our site. The evaluation technique arrived at changes to be carried on the site. One of the changes was on the gallery page. People suggested that a transformation tool needed to be included in the gallery. This tool would enable them make any changes to their pictures after uploading them on the site. The gallery also needed an additional feature to enable visitors label their pictures once they were online. Change on the menu was also identified. People suggested that they required the horizontal menu adde d at the top of the page. They claimed the horizontal menu is universal and that is the first menu they look for in a site. The evaluation was an eye opener how developers make software having themselves as the users in the mind. This thought makes them make complex software that can only be used by experts in the field. One of the place is the gallery where the group though that any user would have edited their picture before uploading it on the site which was wrong. It also brought to my attention how different users have different needs when using the same software. This was seen by seeing those activities being carried by the youths were different from those the elderly group required. Knowledge gained from the evaluation would be used in future in determining selection criteria of evaluators of software. The criteria will always take into consideration the age as a factor. This is because different people in different age groups like to carry out activities in different modes. In future the evaluation technique would be carried out using multiple evaluation techniques. This is because each evaluation technique identified new errors in the system that meaning the more the evaluation technique the more the improvement would be carried out on the system. This ensures maximum satisfaction of the clients with the system. Reflections on the design process The design process played a major part in testing my leadership skills. This was done because the whole development process involved interacting with different people who acted different. I had to take the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Relational Leadership qualities of Colin Powell and how he represented Essay

Relational Leadership qualities of Colin Powell and how he represented them - Essay Example Colin L. Powell was born in Harlem in 1937 and was the son of Jamaican immigrants who were very much involved in his education and personal achievement .Colin manifested both these qualities of a bright young man and a high achiever throughout his academic career. He was well aware of his humble beginnings and he makes some interesting reflections about that in his biographical accounts. "In the preface to his autobiography, My American Journey, Powell describes himself as "a black kid of no early promise from an immigrant family of limited means." The audiences who pay dearly to hear Powell speak these days understandably believe that the man who rose from such unpromising beginnings to become one of the most admired public figures in the world must have grasped the secrets of leadership early on. He clung to them dearly as he became the youngest general in the Army, then found his way to the seventh floor of the State Department. "When I go out and speak," says Powell, "I don't talk about the chairmanship and all that stuff. I talk about being a young second lieutenant at Fort Benning, Ga. Most of what I learned about leadership I learned in my first two months there."1 Colin Powell with his vision of success and promoting the ri... In the year 1986 he left Washington to serve as commander of the Fifth Corps in Germany and when he returned he became the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs in Reagan's era. His excellent leadership qualities his 1991 service as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff made him a figure of national importancee during the successful Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm conducted to to expel the Iraqi army from Kuwait.He declined the opportunity to run for president in the year 1996. and has focused his efforts on his organisation ,America's Promise,since then which is an organization dedicated to creating opportunities for today's young people.This shows how his leadership has been instrumental in encouraging the youth population and also in paving the way for inspired young people. Powell's leadership His political views have been moderate and he has earned great respect with the American people as an inspiration towards all.As has been pointed out in the book "Exploring Leadership"he inspires people with his actions like a good leader should. Serving as the Secretary of State in the Bush administration, Powell was popularly perceived as moderate. Powell's great asset was his tremendous popularity among the American people. He has played a pivotal role after September 11,in the management of America's relationships with other nations in order to secure a stable coalition in the War on Terrorism.He has been a tactful leader and has paved the way for more moderate views amongst the Bush administration.He refused to go to the Iraq War unless the international community supported this decision and continued to be the saner voice

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Science Fiction Can Be an Influence to the Evolution of Technology Essay Example for Free

Science Fiction Can Be an Influence to the Evolution of Technology Essay Introduction Science fiction and technology have been working hand-in-hand for years. Authors like Gene Rodenberry have influenced many inventors to create technological devices such as touch screen computers, iPads and tablets. Even Star Trek’s transporter technology and transparent aluminum are becoming a reality. Scientists, physicists, and engineers are using science fiction to gain insight to new ideas. The science fiction entertainment genre has often influenced technological development through literature, radio, television, and film. Do Inventors create their products under the Influence of science fiction? Many people see technology pop into reality from the mind of the writers of science fiction, as did inventor Martin Cooper who created the mobile phone and gave credit to where he got his idea. People credit Gene Rodenberry for tablets and Transporter Technology, as well as transparent aluminum, and Apple QuickTime, while others have shown that learning computers came from the idea of Cylons from Battlestar Galactica and Terminator, even the world of Tron. Arthur C. Clarke’s science fiction foresaw the use of Geostationary Satellite (GPS), as well as the Internet, which the world uses today. Jules Verne’s science fiction stories brought people submarines and helicopters. H.G. Wells, who people call the father of science fiction, brought the world atomic energy and rockets through his stories. George Orwell’s book 1984, written in 1948, described a monitoring device, the government spying on the people, and coined the term â€Å"Big Brother.† The government is watching you. A former astronaut, Christopher J. Ferguson, gave credit to science fiction writers for the influence of the creation of the space station. According to How Does Science Fiction Influence Scientific Research? (2011), I look at the space station and vehicles docking in space. Who would have imagined 40 years ago, other than on the pages of Buck Rogers and in the mind of Wernher von Braun, that we would be doing these things? But here we are, doing them on a regular basis. (Christopher J. Ferguson Former United States Astronaut, NASA). These are just a few instances where science fiction technology has influenced the creation of the real thing. There has been a majority of technological advancements by Star Trek, as the tablets, communicators, Bluetooth devices, and even technology in the process of development such as the transporter technology created in the minds of the writers of science fiction. †Fiction† could change an individual’s comprehension with the â€Å"relationships within developments.† (Gordon, 2009). As science fiction authors have envisioned items, some never saw them fulfilled while others have. Strauss (2012), â€Å"Martin Cooper, the director of research and development at Motorola, credited the ‘Star Trek’ communicator as his inspiration for the design of the first mobile phone in the early 1970s.† (Cellphone). Cooper gave Gene Rodenberry the credit for the communicators from the original Star Trek. The writers of science fiction show an influence on people who later develop the work, in light of the fictional idea. Even I-Robot is now in the process of becoming a reality. Creators of the science fiction genre have ideas of what they want to see, although the technology is not available now. Geordi La Forge’s Visor in the Next Generation of Star Trek’s TV show is now becoming a reality. According to GeordiS Visor Becoming A Reality? (2012), Once again, a bit of Star Trek sci-fi is on the verge of becoming reality. This time it’s Geordi La Forge’s VISOR, which enabled the blind character to ‘see’ on Star Trek: The Next Generation, that’s close to becoming a practical device.† (para. 1). The author conceives the creative idea that he or she writes in science fiction genre, which then becomes the basis for scientific realities or possibilities. As the writer’s ideas enter the mind of the inventors, through the invention the ideas become a reality. Many inventors have given credit to Gene Rodenberry for his technological devices in Star Trek. Star Wars is even becoming a reality as well as the other science fiction movies. Many use science fiction genre in the classroom. Science fiction genre came into the classrooms from general science, physics, and even engineering to inspire students. (Segall, 2002) â€Å"Although scie nce fiction has appeared in science and physics education for many years, the genre has not been widely used to augment engineering education. Considering the potential for science fiction to help illustrate many common engineering concepts, while at the same time challenging the students to think about the many possibilities of design and technology, this exclusion represents a loss of a valuable resource.† (p. 419) Albert Segall’s paper showed that science fiction could advance technology and, by not using it, could hinder the inventor. Segall’s point was that science fiction is in the science and physics classroom. It is a needed resource for people in the engineering field. As this shows, science fiction is a big part in creating technology and its devices. A physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku, even gives science fiction credit for the influence of technology. According to Transparent Aluminium Is New State Of Matter' (2009), â€Å"( Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world’s most powerful soft X-ray laser. Transparent aluminium previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion.† (para. 1). as well as the Associated Press’s article on the data scientists gave on the transporter technology, OCONNOR (2002), CANBERRA, Australia (AP) Australian scientists said Monday they had successfully teleported a laser beam encoded with data, breaking it up and reconstructing an exact replica a yard away.† (para. 1). As inventors continue to create new inventions, promising scientists, physicists and engineers can se e the importance of the use of science fiction in a classroom. As Segall showed that science fiction could inspire engineers and inventors of the past, he demonstrated how science fiction could be helpful to students in the future. Some devices which science fiction created are still not a reality Many could say that science fiction is fantasy because time travel, shrinking or enlarging devices, and computer digitalization, as from the movie Tron, are yet to appear. Some people do not look at science fiction as a resource because of its negative aspects. H.G. Wells, the author of the book, Time Machine which foreshadowed the movie called Back to the Future, The 50-Foot Woman, and Honey, I shrunk the Kids are but a few science fiction ideas that have not happened as far as we know. There are many examples that people use to say that science fiction does not influence technology, but there is more evidence to support that it does. Although Lightsabers of Star Wars are not in the same style as the movie, they have become reality in a similar prototype. What are the positive and negative sides of science fiction becoming a reality? As science fiction becomes reality, its use can be positive or negative: but does it help or hurt humankind? Many technological devices developed from science fiction were taken from the private sector, utilized by the Military, and were altered to be used in another manner than previously intended. For instance, George Orwell’s book, called 1984, was banned by many school administrators from being read in schools because of its political outlook of surveillance devices. Conclusion Through literature, radio, television, and film, the entertainment of science fiction has influenced technology and its devices. Arthur C. Clarke has seen the things he has written about come true. Science Fiction writers like Gene Rodenberry, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, George Lucas, and other writers have given physicists, scientists, and engineers ideas of inspiration to create technological devices. Noticeably a few areas of science fiction have not become a reality yet, such as a human being digitized into an electronic form; a human being shrunk or enlarged in size; and time travel. Yet, many things in science fiction have come to reality: for example, mobile phones, tablets, and touch screen computers. Even the term â€Å"Big Brother is watching you,† given through the thoughts of George Orwell from his book 1984, written in 1948, has seen a counterpart in modern surveillance equipment. The relationship of science fiction and technology has been working hand-in-hand for generations. Reference Segall, A. E. (2002, October). Science fiction in the engineering classroom to help teach basic concepts and promote the profession. Journal of Engineering Education, 91(4), 419-423. How does science fiction influence scientific research?. (2011). Retrieved from Gordon, R. (2009, December). Learning From Fiction: Applications in Emerging Technologies. Bulletin of Science, Technology Society, 29(6), 470 475. Retrieved from Strauss, M. (2012). Ten Inventions Inspired by Science Fiction. Retrieved from Putt, S. (2011). Using science fiction to teach science facts. Minnesota State University, Mankato). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 41. Retrieved from 12. (894263497). Transparent aluminum is new state of matter. (2009). Retrieved from OCONNOR, P. (2002). Scientists Report Teleported Data. Retrieved from a.htm Geordis VISOR Becoming A Reality?. (2012). Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Trends in the tourist sector: Georgia

Trends in the tourist sector: Georgia Tourism Paths of the Black Sea Region Research and analyze of main trends of Tourism Sectors in Georgia (Part I) Abstract The study ,, Research and analyze of main trends of Tourism Sectors in Georgia† consists of two parts, in the presented article we will propose the first part of the research which had been conducted in the frames of the project â€Å"Tourism Paths of the Black Sea Region† implemented by ICCT and funded by the European Union in the BSR. The survey results will help the countries’ surrounding the Black Sea to see the strong and weak sides in terms of tourism development, enabling them to make better planning in future. The study covered the following issues: to determine local and foreign tourists preferences while traveling in Georgia, tourists’ travel motivations, main impact and influencing factors on tourists’ decision how they got the information about Georgia. Key Words: Tourism trends, tourism sectors – research and statistics Target Groups: Foreign and local tourists; Tourist Information Centres; Research design and methodology The study was carried out in target cities and municipalities covering 12 administrative units : Ambrolauri, Tbilisi, Rustavi, Tbilisi, Gori, Kvareli, Batumi, Poti, Mestia, Mtskheta, Telavi, Kutaisi. About 150 respondents were questioned. Foreign and local tourists’ survey results During the researches the following amount of the respondents participated among which 92% were foreign tourists, and 8%- the Georgian tourists . 82% of foreign tourists visited Georgia for the first time, while 18% traveled for the second time. The absolute majority of tourists who arrived in Georgia was looking for the possibilities of recreation, cultural tourism, tourism activities and mountain walking: Among the tourists were those whose aim was to have a holiday and those who showed their interest in sightseeing, attending cultural events and tasting traditional Georgian cuisine and wine. About 63% of the survey participants received the tourist information via the internet. Also the high rate went on recommendations provided by friends and relatives, resulting in a total of 44% . The role of travel agencies in the development of national tourism should be noted, which attracted 31% of total travelers: Most of the tourists prefer traveling together with the partners or friends. Respondents’ experience concerning this issue was as followed: Tourists start planning to travel much earlier before they decide to travel. It should be noted that 43% of tourists arrange their travel schedule 1-3 months before the trip, 32% -1 month before, while 26% more than 3 months in advance. Among those who plan to travel more than 3 months in advance are the families who belong to the consumer segment: The majority of tourists visiting Georgia apply to the low-cost airlines, but for local transportation they prefer a rented car, which is probably determined by a low development level of public transportation : The main stream of tourists visiting Georgia for periods was ranging from 3 to 14 days. In particular, the average duration of the visit periods was distributed as followed: During the general assessment the majority of the tourists highly estimated the conditions of the tourist sites; 86% said that the quality level of service was excellent. Only 2% complained on the service quality, while 12% refrained from answering. The impressions of the traveling were of high assessment: The tourists assessment displayed strong and weak features of the typical tourist places. In particular, the environmental contamination was detected: Ultimately, traveling along Georgia, the majority of respondents positively estimates their trip. 83% of travelers said they were satisfied with the decision to travel in Georgia . 68% of respondents believed that the experience of traveling in Georgia had exceeded all their expectations. Only 26% had a reason to express dissatisfaction, mainly due to the pollution of the environment or the low quality of service. In order to create the travel motivations of tourists, especially for the second visit, it is not enough just to possess the rich cultural, historical and natural heritage resources. There are additional factors that affect the degree of tourist’s satisfaction. During the survey/study the following priorities were determined: In Modern marketing the most effective advertising was considered to be the recommendations. The best way to determine a real impression of customers was to determine whether they recommended this product to their acquaintances. Providing from these factors, the percentage of spreading positive information among the respondents who had the second visits was very high: Tourist Information Centers in Georgia are in the development process. They can be found/are available only in the active tourist regions and cities . One of the research directions of their work was to define efficiency and quality of service . 90% of respondents said that they were satisfied with the services provided by the Information Centers: The average travel time and expenses in Georgia are different. It depended on the users age, employment status, sex and other variables. According to the overall data, the average expenditure per tourist has the rate of 1,023 EUR. Among the most low budget segment of the tourist market are students and the high budget tourist are middle-aged employed women / men. In accordance with the nationalities, most of the money spent in Georgia falls on Russian, Ukrainian and Western European tourists. The different needs of the average expenditure was as followed (amounts are in euro currency): 72% of visitors said that they did not exceed the costs incurred while traveling to Georgia by the specified amount. 20% of the guests said that the cost was much less than planned. The proportion of consumer respondents who said that the costs exceeded expectations were the students . Overall, tourism expenditure assessment is as follows: In relation to travel costs 70% said that the service was worth the fee/expenses. 64% of respondents believe that in Georgia prices are reasonable for accommodation and food service . 70% think that the prices of additional services, excursions, spa services, entertainment and other facilities are absolutely acceptable. The average age of the surveyed tourists was 37 years old, including the youngest- 19 years old, while the oldest is 65 years old . Among the respondents 44% were women and 56% men. The distribution of tourists interviewed by country of origin are as follows: Research Results of Tourist Information Centres One of the aims of the research was to share the experience and level of development of tourism in urban and regional information centers throughout the region in order to establish better tourists’ characteristics. As a result of the information obtained, it was possible to compile a profile of the typical tourist, taking advantage of the determination and identification of areas for development. The information centers were visited by 67% of foreign tourists and 33% of Georgian tourists. Among studied 12 administrative units only one region noted that there was provided a staff training sessions and communicative course of English.In other 11 regions negative answers were received about the trainings sessions in the regions that pointed to the lack of the work done in this direction. Urban and regional information centers occasionally cooperate with local public agencies and private companies involved in the tourism sector. However, a lot of work should be done, because it will encourage the rapid development of tourism at the local level: 92% of Tourist Information Centers stated that they are still working on statistical data collection. See below the tourist characteristics of the regions which were based on the data received from the Tourist Informational Centers after they had filled the questionnaires. Characteristics of tourists by region: Ambrolauri Tourist profile:Mountain Resort. The regions most active tourists:Georgian, Polish, Ukrainian, French and Israelis tourists. Consumers age:20 to 60 years. The Consumers goal: Vacation 82%, Cultural Tourism 45%, Ecotourism 20%. Interests:83% of visitors interested in cultural and natural monuments. The type of consumer:67% of tourists in the region were vacationers with families Duration of stay:42% of visitors stayed at an average of 10 days The popular means of transport:Due to the lack of transport and poor roads, 50% use a rented car, while 43% use the private cars, and a small portion of the bus. Akhaltsikhe Tourist profile:The region is rich of Historical monuments The regions most active tourists:Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and German tourists. Consumers age:20 to 50 years. The Consumers goal:In this region 68% of the visitors were oriented to the recreation and cultural tours and 31% tourists were wishing to visit relatives and friends. Interests:80% of visitors were interested in the historical and cultural monuments. The type of consumer:89% of tourists in the region, are traveling with a partner Duration of stay:52% of visitors stayed at an average of 7 days The popular means of transport:This region is easily accessible and has comfortable transport facilities. 62% of visitors used a bus / mini-bus to arrive, while 32% used train. Bolnisi Tourist profile:Historical and multi-ethnic region The regions most active tourists:Russian, Ukrainian, Azerbaijani and German tourists. Consumers age:20 to 35 years. The Consumers goal:45% of visitors to the region were cultural recreation-oriented and 40% of tourists were wishing to visit relatives. Interests: 98% of visitors were interested to view the historical sites The type of consumer:45% of tourists visited the region with a partner, while 35% of tourists were traveling with their families. Duration of stay:42% of visitors stayed at an average of 7 days The popular means of transport:Transport facilities are readily available in the region. 58% of visitors to the bus / mini bus travels, while 25% of the rented car. Borjomi Tourist profile:Healing / health resort. The regions most active tourists:Georgian, Ukrainian, Russian, Azeri and Kazakh tourists. Consumers age:25-75years The Consumers goal:The goal of the journey is to restore the health 65%, Ecotourism 20%, entertainment 5%. Interests:Nature monuments, local healing tasting water and rafting. The type of consumer:The consumer segment of families with children is 85% and the elderly couples 10%. Duration of stay:25% of visitors stayed at an average of 7 days, and 65% stayed for 8–14 days. The popular means of transport:The public transport facilities connecting the region is well developed.Most of the tourists travel by minibus 55% and 20% by train Gori Tourist profile::The Historical region The regions most active tourists:Russian, American, German and Polish tourists. Consumers age:23-65 years The Consumers goal:Cultural tourism 65%, visit to friends and relatives 25%. Interests:View historical and cultural sites 65%. The type of consumer:Single traveler 30%, middle-aged and older couples 55%. Duration of stay:about 7 days The popular means of transport:The public transport facilities connecting the region is well developed. The populartransport is a minibus 45%, rented cars 34%. Kvareli Tourist profile:The Historical region, Wine-producing region. The regions most active tourists:Georgian, Russian, American and German tourists. Consumers age:21–54 years The Consumers goal:Vacation 30%, cultural recreation-35% and Entertainment 32%. Interests:The local cuisine and wine tasting 45%, cultural sites 30%. The type of consumer:Single travelers 45%, young and middle-aged couples 40% Duration of stay:7–days – 45%, 8–14 days-30%. The popular means of transport:Rented cars 35%, own cars 32% and minibus 30%. Tbilisi Tourist profile:The capital, administrative and cultural center. The regions most active tourists:Polish, Jewish, Ukrainian, Russian, German tourists. Consumers age:21–75years The Consumers goal:Entertainment 43% , businesses tours 35% and visit of relatives / friends 34%. Interests:Cultural sites 45% taking part in events 48% of business meetings 35%. The type of consumer:Single travelers 30%, of of families 33% and of couples 37%. Duration of stay:7 days – 40%, 7–14 days – 36%. The popular means of transport:The plane 65%, own cars 25% and the train 10%. Telavi Tourist profile:The Historical region, Wine-producing region. The regions most active tourists:Czech, Polish, Belgian, Israeli tourists. Consumers age:30–50years The Consumers goal:Cultural Tourism 45%, and visit of relatives 24%. Interests:Cultural sites 67%, the local cuisine and wine tasting 63%. The type of consumer:Middle-aged couples 47%, the families 52%. Duration of stay:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Conflict Resolution Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework Essays

Conflict Resolution Conflict in the work place is inevitable. People will argue, disagree, or treat another badly for many reasons. Racial prejudice, sexual prejudice, religious prejudice, or simply not liking someone can and will cause conflict. Conflict resolution can be handled in a one-on-one manner (the boss talking to employees) or can be handled through mediation or negotiation. The one-on-one method will work in a small business setting where there is employee conflict or business conflict. In a larger corporate setting mediation or negotiation is often used to settle conflicts. Union negotiations are a good example of this. Listed below are some methods that may be used for conflict resolution. Many of these can be used in a one-on-one setting or in a larger setting where mediation is being used to settle a conflict. 1. Separate the people from the problem. One specific technique that can work is to change the shape of the table rather than sitting opposite your 'opponents', arrange the seating so that all the parties are sitting together facing a flip chart or blackboard where the problem is presented. That makes it clear that all the participants are facing the problem together, that instead of it being 'us' against 'them', it is a case of 'all of us' against 'it'. 2. Distinguish between interests and positions. When preparing for a negotiation, or after it has begun, don't just ask "What do they want?" It is also important to ask, "Why do they want it?" It is equally important - and often more difficult - to ask the same questions about your own views. Many successful negotiators find they will be more successful if they focus on understanding their interests as they enter discussions. If they haven't started out with a perfect package, the ideas of others may actually improve their final result. Negotiators who arrive with a complete package can create real problems. Modifications to their ideas might be taken personally, they may be stubborn, and reaching a satisfactory resolution is made more difficult. 3. Consider your BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement). If you do not reach an agreement with the other, does that really make things worse for you? When you're selling an antique Rolls Royce and have received an offer of $43,250, you know what another potential buyer has to do to get you... ...e gains achieved by the other side may prove to be short-term indeed. 6. Only one person can get angry at a time. This is yet another means to help individuals keep a cool head and pay attention to the process and the strategy, as well as the substance of the negotiation. If it's not your 'turn' to be angry, the exercise of restraint can be turned into a positive opportunity to observe what is going on with a clear eye. No less important, yelling at each other is not negotiation; it is confrontation. In those situations there may possibly be a 'winner'; but it is even more likely there will be a 'loser'. In times past, when two property owners had a disagreement, they would hire knights and wage war to reach a conclusion. Then somebody invented lawyers, and the problem-solving process became one of waging law. Our society has reached a level of sophistication in which we recognize that the costs of waging war - or waging law - are terribly high. With the use of good negotiation skills, we have the capacity to reach conclusions in a more satisfactory manner: we can wage PEACE (Cohen). Bibliography: Cohen, Steven P.,,

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sleep Deprivation And Business :: essays research papers

In this age of increased technology and globalization enormous stress is being placed upon the business traveler. In order to stay competitive, business executives must commit to brutal schedules and frequent travels. Increasingly, business travelers are relying upon air travel as their primary form of transportation. This constant movement through different time zones is exhausting and can lead to jet lag. 'Technically called circadian dysrythmia, jet lag is a disruption of the body's intricate biological inner-sleep cycle caused by crossing multiple time zones quickly.'; The mental and physical ramifications of jet lag can be detrimental and potentially dangerous to the individual's health. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, 'Fatigue is the No.1 factor that detrimentally impacts the ability of pilots.'; Footy ' According to a PBS television documentary 'Sleep Alert,'; a Boeing 747 captain noted:'; It is not unusual for me to fall asleep in the cockpit, wake up t wenty minutes later and find the other two crew members totally asleep.';footy In another report, 'A Boeing 757 captain told how his forehead hit the control column on his approach to New York's Kennedy Airport as the need for sleep became overwhelming.';footy Of course, the consequences of sleep deprivation in most cases will not be as severe as the in previous examples, but it does illustrate the importance sleep plays in job performance. The lodging facility of the traveler is in the best position to reduce and alleviate the negative affects of jet lag. In order to provide the best possible service to the guest, hotels will be forced to recognize this problem and create solutions for it. As it stands right now, the best solution to this problem is education. Recognizing the symptoms of jet lag is the first step in the education process. In his book, Power Sleep, Dr. James Maas of Cornell University describes the symptoms of jet lag as follows. Daytime Sleepiness. Ninety percent of travelers report experiencing daytime fatigue and sleepiness. If you give in to the urge to sleep during the day at your destination, you may not be tired enough to sleep at bedtime. Insomnia. The next most common symptom of jet lag is insomnia. You experience difficulty falling asleep at night. Once you do get to sleep you'll have less deep sleep and less REM sleep. The nights sleep is often fragmented by frequent awakenings. Poor Concentration. More than two thirds of air travelers report having poor concentration, or in severe cases of jet lag, temporary amnesia.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Magna Carta :: essays research papers

â€Å"Magna Carta† In this edition of â€Å"politics† we will take a look at one of the most influential documents in history, this document is known as the â€Å"Magna Carta†. We shall look at its importance and what exactly it means.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This past decade we have had many changes some good, some bad our nation has been desecrated by the black death, crusades have struck our country, and our king has unlawfully ruling our country for some time now. The magna Carta was written to limit the of the king and to obtain our natural rights. The Magna Carta became known as one of the first documents to ever reduce the power of a king. Without boundaries, a ruler will abuse his power over the people. So in order for a ruler to govern a nation correctly he must have laws and boundaries to follow. The Magna Carta was the first document to start a lawful monarchy in England. The need for this document was because King John had taxed, mis-governed and neglected the peoples rights until the barons, particularly Stephan hangton, forced him to sign the Magna Carta on June 15,1215. The Magna Carta contained sixty-three articles covering many topics such as the rights and liberties of the church, financial concerns, royal courts and the treasury, the sharing of power between the king and barons, and the kings relationship with his subjects. The Magna Carta stated â€Å"We have also granted to all free men of our realm, on the part of ourselves and our heirs forever; all the subjoined liberties, to have and to hold, to them and to the heirs, from us and from our heirs.† This article said that people have the right to liberty at all times and the king nor any other person could take that right away. The Magna Carta :: essays research papers â€Å"Magna Carta† In this edition of â€Å"politics† we will take a look at one of the most influential documents in history, this document is known as the â€Å"Magna Carta†. We shall look at its importance and what exactly it means.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This past decade we have had many changes some good, some bad our nation has been desecrated by the black death, crusades have struck our country, and our king has unlawfully ruling our country for some time now. The magna Carta was written to limit the of the king and to obtain our natural rights. The Magna Carta became known as one of the first documents to ever reduce the power of a king. Without boundaries, a ruler will abuse his power over the people. So in order for a ruler to govern a nation correctly he must have laws and boundaries to follow. The Magna Carta was the first document to start a lawful monarchy in England. The need for this document was because King John had taxed, mis-governed and neglected the peoples rights until the barons, particularly Stephan hangton, forced him to sign the Magna Carta on June 15,1215. The Magna Carta contained sixty-three articles covering many topics such as the rights and liberties of the church, financial concerns, royal courts and the treasury, the sharing of power between the king and barons, and the kings relationship with his subjects. The Magna Carta stated â€Å"We have also granted to all free men of our realm, on the part of ourselves and our heirs forever; all the subjoined liberties, to have and to hold, to them and to the heirs, from us and from our heirs.† This article said that people have the right to liberty at all times and the king nor any other person could take that right away.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Drinks that Influenced History and Civilization Essay

The author describes the origin of six drinks that greatly influenced history and civilization around the world: beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and cola. He explains how each drink was the defining drink during a historical period from antiquity to present day. The fluids are vital because each had a role of shaping the modern world. They have been used as currencies, in religious rites, as a political symbol, sources of philosophical and artistic inspiration. Some have served to highlight the power of the elite, and appease the downtrodden. They connected world cultures by impacting trade, economy, religion, and politics. Beer was discovered through different methods of cooking and storing cereal grains. When the ice age ended, lands such as the Fertile Crescent provided abundant cereal grains. Such grains provided a reliable source of food, and the ability to store cereal grains began to encourage people to stay in one place. This resulted in permanent settlements as societies transitioned from hunting and gathering to farming. Although the residents of such villages continued to hunt, skeletal evidence suggests that they subsisted mostly on plant-based diets. Beer was shared, and it was symbol of hospitality and friendship. To Neolithic drinkers, beer’s ability to intoxicate and ferment seemed magical, and it was concluded that it was a gift from the gods. Beer-drinking cultures tell stories and myths of how it was discovered. Mesopotamians and Egyptians saw beer as an ancient, god-given drink that supported their existence, formed part of their cultural and religious identity, and had great social importance. It was consumed by anyone regardless of status, age, or gender. Beer impacted the growth and diffusion of the earliest civilizations greatly. The emergence of complex societies, the need to keep written records, and the popularity of beer all followed from the surplus of grain. It was also used as a form of currency and payment. Beer also had a direct link to health. Mesopotamians and Egyptians used it medicinally. The Egyptians used bread and beer in funerals. Without the discovery of beer, the earliest civilizations of Southwest Asia and Egypt would not have been as prosperous.

The Call Centre and Tengo Ltd.

TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 03 POOR CUSTOMER QUALITY†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 03 HIGH LABOR TURNOVER IN THE CALL CENTRE†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 04 REMEDY â€Å"TURNOVER†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 05 IS TURNOVER LIKELY TO BE UNIVERSALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL?†¦ 06 CONCLUSION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 07 RECOMMENDATIONS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 08 REFERENCES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 12 INTRODUCTION: The main objective that focus on this report is to analysis the â€Å"employee perspective issues† that are mainly concerning and involving the employees who are contribute to the poor services quality of the Tengo Ltd.The report is mainly focusing some key areas that are including some key suggestions and it may be overcome the direct and indirect difficulties that effect employees on their job. Using organizational theories and analyzing the employee’s attitude to justify the information that they provides and forecast some solution as well as recommendations moreover the whole report is mainly based on employee job satisfaction and dissatisfaction, absenteeism and lacks of involvement with job, turnover of the employees which HR strategies are expected to improve relations of employees.The main objectives that focus on this report, how Tengo Ltd can improving their work environment moreover to reduce employees dissatisfaction which get better work performance in the organization. .At the end of the report, there are some detailed recommendations with possible solution will include. The recommendation mainly based on how Tengo Ltd can deal with the upcoming challenges. POOR CUSTOMER QUALITY: In actual fact, Tengo’s poor customer quality can be endorsed the problems of people and the whole process.The new computerized system which required standardizing customer service, develop the management capability to monitor the service quality of Tengo and accelerate the response times is not provide the desired result. Also customer dissatisfaction indicates that the quality of service is not appears a function of workplace technology. The resolution of the poor customer service is supplementary promi sing to arrange in the organization of work. The main impact comes from the restructuring process and in particular way the inflexible severance between units and the awareness of workers in exact areas of customer service.This process mainly removed the job rotation which is expected to show the approach to develop equal advantages of service quality and job satisfaction. High turnover rate in the customer complaints department mainly indicates a lack of essential job satisfaction in the workplace. However this fact is directly related with the employee’s attitudes towards their job. In addition, the growing labor turnover rate at Tengo’s is indicating unconstructive impacts on service quality as well as the new trained workers are replaced with skilled employees.The restructuring process and the job loss are mainly liable to have employee confidence and moral that might be measured to represent the abuse of psychosomatic agreement with a consequent impact on the expr ession of flexible behavior. HIGH LABOR TURNOVER IN THE CALL CENTRE: For analyzing the labor turnover two themes are included at the beginning stage. Firstly the nature of call centre work and the second theme is the work and management at Tengo Ltd. Thaler and Carter (1999) said that, the use of call centre and development criteria are to handle different characteristics of customer relationship management maintains to grow quickly.Mainly the call centre provides both customer service and opportunities of sales to the public. The main considerable issue whether the call centre works is naturally dissatisfying and the lack of diplomacy (means lack of control) and the management performances are liable to be connected with poor employee relation. Slater (1999) noted that, the call centre employees get very little respect from their superior. For that reason they felt more stress. To analyze the Tengo Ltd it has been clearly view that the employees are not satisfied with their work.Fo r the reason of restructuring employees are always stressful and their service quality fall down. The restructuring process mainly detached the job rotation which is the key area to develop the employee ability and get equal advantages of service quality as well as job satisfaction. Frenkel et al. (1999) describe that, the great job satisfaction is being connected by the end appearance of the work. This categorization can be useful where complaint management, for illustration, is expected to stick to the previous, even as the technical help is being possible to be related with concluding.In addition the beginning of differentiation and the task spelization between units can also be talk about comparative to low satisfaction, required multiplicity and boredom as achievable â€Å"push† factors. The additional issue apprehensions terms and conditions of worker at Tengo and it seems that better Tengo and call centre’s (other than pay) existing at other close by call center s. The restructuring and content of morale is too likely to be important. Tengo’s payment method is higher than others call centre. However the work environment is not friendly that’s why employees are discouraged and dissatisfied with their job.The less favorable facilitates includes work longer shift comparing nearby call center’s employees, employees are received few holidays and very few opportunity for training and development. Only payment is not the key criteria to satisfied organization’s employees. The consent meaning of Granny, Smith and Stone (1992) the job satisfaction is an sentimental (called emotional) effect to one’s job, consequential from the present evaluation of real outcomes with individuals that are desired (deserved, expected and so on). REMEDY TURNOVER:For the proper understanding on labor turnover the organization’s management needs to find out some key criteria that are mainly relevant to understand properly for the reason of turnover. The reason of turnover is not always showing the bad things happen in the organization. However, the perspective of business analysis turnover is not bringing good things for the organization in most of the time. The criteria that management needs to address: 1. Who/who is not leaving the organization? 2. Why they are leaving/ staying in the organization? 3.Where are the leavers departing to work (if somewhere)? To analyze this case study, many reasons that happens to leave the workplace at Tengo Ltd. According to this report several criteria can be found why employees are leaving their workplace. Employees are dissatisfied about their job Impact of restructuring for that reason job rotation is being removed Work environment is not friendly Work in longer shifts and getting fewer holidays Lack of training and development Rigid workplace Job redesigns that why some employees lost their job. Less employee priorityReduce training and development cost that’s why it’s not effectives Lack of promotion The problem arises when restructuring process starts and the new job design implement by the organization. There are mainly three units in this restructuring process level 1, level 2 and level 3. But the main facilitates goes to the level 3 employees who deal the technical work. That affects employee’s moral and turnover increase. On the other hand, before restructuring the employees can moved other departments if they want and this process they cannot felt boring and they got the trained to take on a multiplicity of roles.However, after the restructuring process the customer service director divided the employee’s responsibility of every department and give restriction for going other departments to improve the employees. Even though, this process cannot work properly and after two months, 25 percent of new recruits employees left the job. Kemery et al. (1985) said that, most of the stressful jobs are directly connected to intention to leave the organization. In that case, the management needs to identify with the dynamic of labor turnover and to recognize outline of turnover that might contain a negative result on the employee performance.For doing this work organization obtain immediate approach and search for the categorization of former or present patterns of turnover during exit interviews and analysis of turnover data. Besides such an approach, the organizational management might too be proactive in looking for the identification and address the interior drovers of turnover throughout attitude survey of employee and appropriate responses to â€Å"head-off† any probable problems. IS TURNOVER LIKELY TO BE UNIVERSALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL?Constantly the turnover is visibly affecting the customer service quality at Tengo Ltd. However some turnover is expected to be functional somewhere it directs to the failure of poor performance or individuals inappropriate to the work place. Although this sit uation become visible to be the case in the complaints unit where after passing a short time the new recruits are leaving from the organization. Although this turnover emerge to specify a collapse in employee training and selection. Fried et al. (2008) describe a remarkable step.They analyze and found that the role anxiety was directly connected to the individuals work performance during the job satisfaction and was ultimately connected to job performance during tendency to leave. The process of recruitment and selection criteria is not working appropriately in the Tengo Ltd. However Tengo’s Payment method is higher comparing others call centre even it is creating problem when management decide to reduce the training and development cost as lower as possible. The new recruit’s workers are not getting proper training from the organization.Even though the newly recruits employees are working with the present experienced employees. The gap is too high between newly recrui ts and experienced employees since the newly recruits employees are not well trained. For the reason of job redesign process 25 percent of new recruit’s employees ware being leave there job within two months. Wilton (2010) described that, the majority of employee turnover can be measured dysfunctional for the multiplicity of reasons and the reasons are failure of knowledge/skill, worse return on speculation in HRD, indicative of wider worker relations problems.CONCLUSION: Here the solution would appear to be relevant whether the Tengo’s management was looking for poor service quality as well as high labor turnover. The possible scheme might be contain the reintroduction of several job rotation and connected with cross-training program, enhanced the effective selection and recruitments processes to ensure pragmatic job preview, more emphasize for training and development program moreover present benchmarking implementation by focusing terms and conditions of employ rela tion to that of opponent. RECOMMENDATIONS:After analyzing this case study and current situation of Tengo Ltd, following criteria would be focus for recommended to the managers of this call centres. Determining the job satisfaction in the course of evaluation: Tengo’s HR manager must assess the overall job satisfaction of the employees moreover why employees are not satisfied when they got the high payment comparing others call centre. In addition the job satisfaction is very sensitive issue which is mainly consequential from the evaluation of jobs based on several assured features.However the evaluation procedure might be included following criteria: 1. Survey research: HR manager at Tengo Ltd should accomplish survey research among all the employees who works in Tengo Ltd to verify the job satisfaction level. The survey has been taken by two ways that are verbal and written process moreover the written process is more effective comparing to the verbal process. In addition th e written survey process is more realistic, reliable, cost effective and more accurate.On this written survey research process the question for the employees might be â€Å"what issue/issues is/are mainly the big reason for employee job dissatisfaction? † 2. Rating method: moreover another way to measure the employee’s job satisfaction is the rating method. The rating method mainly includes two ways measuring criteria. Single global technique and summation score technique. However the global rating method is mainly based on the single question technique that is judging all the characteristic of job satisfaction and how much satisfied the employees about their job as well.In addition, the summations score technique measures all the aspects of job and ask the questions for employees that includes the entire characteristic of jobs and determine each and every job feature separately. To measure the job satisfaction at Tengo Ltd, the summation score technique is more effect ive rather than global rating method. Enhance to use the summation technique the managers would be able to measure every characteristics individually moreover that includes supervision, recent pay scale, effective relationship with co workers, nature of work environment.Adding up the company would be use a rating scale that mainly called liker scale moreover it includes 1 to 5 consequent points. The rating scale might be related to â€Å"highly dissatisfied and highly satisfied†. However this process is very easy for employees since employees would be able to circle the best suitable number for all characteristic and at last all score would be calculate for getting the appropriate result. Performance evaluation: performance evaluation is another criterion that HR manager must practice during Tengo’s development process.Under this evaluation program managers have to set up several development processes that are implement for access to every employees in this organizatio n. Furthermore, the call centres advisors should be expectant to generate their individual’s personal development plans, for that reason being they might be develop as well as monitor their individual performance. Learning as well as training: training program creating employees more effectives. Tengo must provide the training program for their employees to achieve organizational goals and improving their work quality as well.The first task is to identify the training needs for the organization and this responsibility goes to the HR managers. In addition managers can use training needs analysis process that helps to identify what types of training are recommended for the organization. Moreover this process might be completed during a formal training survey that accomplishes all employees in Tengo’s. 1. On the job training: on the job training is more effective. The long service employees might be locating as advisor and to train the recent and newly recruits employees. This process is very helpful to know how to perform better in organization. 2. Team meetings: team meeting is another way to determine employees mind about their work related issue moreover it helps to increase the employee relationship with top management. Tengo’s HR manager should arrange team meeting with employees. They can set up an idea that relates every week team meeting with every employee to find their perspective about job. Moreover it increases the workers productiveness and get better co relationship. 3.In-house course: in-house training program is another term to increase employee’s better performance. Under this program HR manager can accomplish a sessions for organization’s employees in a classroom environment. manager can provide some useful learning materials that includes lecture, open discussions about their work related issue etc. 4. Stimulation: stimulation process can determine the organizational needs. Moreover it mainly focuses what type s of work organization wants from their employees. Furthermore this process is very useful to connect employees with organizational work environment and culture. 5.Seminars: organization can arrange seminar to touch employees mind and build up better relationship. In every month Tengo’s manager can arrange a seminar and briefing them to hit the targets very quickly moreover this is the best way to giving employees feedback that might be very useful to get better performance from employees. Joint consultation of employee relation: employees and top management relationship is improving employees productivity as well as organization’s requirement. Manager can establish joint consultation process to improve employee’s performance as well as fulfil the organization’s demand.Rewarding employees based on performance: to give reward and to get feedback is the best way to encouraging employees performance. The effective reward management should include following c riteria: 1. Monetary pay: monetary pay is the best way to motivate employees. Up to that time the payment criteria at Tengo was based on total time spent in organization, job evaluation grade and hierarchical ranking. However direct monetary pay method is an effective approach which certifies that organizational workers are paid according to their involvement with organization. . Non monetary benefits: this is basically a non-financial reward. This process cans reinforcement employees to emphasize on better performance moreover it also motivates organizational employees. However managers at Tengo Ltd should appear at wide-ranging benefits that are given to employees in other organization. Tengo Ltd can introduce some non-financial benefits like transport service, medical care, life insurance, prize bond etc. 3. Contingency pay method: this method includes some extra pay in agreement with the fundamental pay structure.In some cases basic pay is not enough for employee’s life s urviving factors. For that reason some extra pay like contingency pay helps to motivate employees to better performance in organization. Tengo’s manager must introduce this method to motivate employees. Communication with employees: communication process is well connected with employee’s performance. To get the better performance form employees, the implementation of communication process is very important. The main objectives of this process is to get know employees feedback as well as employee engagement with work. REFERENCES:Fried, Yitzhak, Shirom, A. & Gilbon, S. and Cooper, G (2008), The Medating Effects of Job Satisfaction and Propensity to Leave on Role Stress-Job Performance Relationships: Combining Meta-Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of stress Management, 15, 305-328 Granny, C. Smith, P. and Stone, E. (1992), job satisfaction: advances in research and application, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. Hemphill, T. A. (2005), US Offs hore Outsourcing of R&D: Accomodating Firm and National Competativeness Perspectives. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 7, 351-356Kemery, E. Bedeian, A. Mossholder, K. and Touliatos, J. (1985), Outcomes od Role Stress: A Multisampling Constructive Replication, Academy of Management Journal, 28, 63-75 Lind, S. and Otte, F. (1994), Management Style, Mediating Variables and Stress Among HRD Professionals. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 5, 301-316 Slater D. Holding Patterns: Call Centers can be Poked and Prodded to Provide Maximum Efficiency. But Will it Cost You Your Costomers? CIO, 1999: 12: 54-61 Thaler-Carter RE. Why Sit and Answer the Phone all Day? HR Magazine-1999: 44:98-104