Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Upon the Burning of Our House - 3058 Words

Upon the Burning of Our House by Anne Bradstreet LITERARY FOCUS: THE PLAIN STYLE The Puritans favored â€Å"plainness† in all things: in dress, in the architecture and design of their churches, in their forms of worship, and in language. Unlike the ornate â€Å"high style† popular in England at the time, the Puritan plain style used simple sentences and common words from everyday speech. The plain style contained few or no classical allusions, Latin quotations, or elaborate figures of speech. The plain style, Puritans felt, was much more effective in revealing God’s truth than the ornate style. Despite the fact that the style used by Puritan writers now seems hard to read, it was considered simple and direct in the 1600s. Although Anne†¦show more content†¦The left-hand column of the chart below lists several examples of inversion from the poem. In the right-hand column, write the inverted words or phrases in normal word order. Example of Inversion from Poem Restatement of Inversion â€Å"In silent night when rest I took† (line 1) â€Å"I, starting up, the light did spy,† (line 7) â€Å"When by the ruins oft I past† (line 21) â€Å"My pleasant things in ashes lie,† (line 27) â€Å"And them behold no more shall I.† (line 28) 18 Part 1 Collection 1: Encounters and Foundations to 1800 Copyright  © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Coyote Finishes His Work Upon the Burning of Our House by Anne Bradstreet LITERARY FOCUS: THE PLAIN STYLE REVIEW SKILLS Reading Skills: Understanding Cultural Characteristics Look back over the details you highlighted or underlined that reveal characteristics of Nez Perce culture. The chart below contains a list of different aspects of Nez Perce life. Fill in the right-hand column with details from â€Å"Coyote Finishes His Work† that tell you about each aspect. Sample entries are given. Aspect of Nez Perce Life Details from the Story religious beliefs As you read â€Å"Upon the Burning of Our House,† notice the way the following literary devices are used. RHYME The repetition of vowel sounds in accented syllables and all syllables following. METER A pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. I will sendShow MoreRelatedUpon The Burning Of Our House By Edward Taylor1240 Words   |  5 PagesThesis statement: Using the Calvinist/Puritan concept of Total Depravity/Inability and Demine non sum dingus, compare and contrast Anne Bradstreet s poem Upon the Burning of Our House with Edward Taylor s poem Prologue. The poems under discussion are Anne Bradstreet s poem Upon the Burning of Our House and Edward Taylor s poem Prologue. Taylor’s poem focused on the question that is: can any author be equal to god’s grace? In the first line, he compares himself to the crumb of dust whichRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Upon The Burning Of Our House 1279 Words   |  6 Pages The Christian religion (and its many varying tendrils) has helped unify our nation for centuries. The founders of what is today the United States of America came over to this continent avoiding persecution for their religion from European powers. While there have been plethora wars and struggles across Europe over religion, thankfully they have never showed their face in America, although it is most certainly a part of our heritage. However, it can not be said that Christianity is the only influenceRead MoreAnalysis Of Verses Upon The Burning Of Our House 1601 Words   |  7 Pageslearned from infancy about â€Å"the importance of renouncing earthly nourishment and affection in favor of ‘spiritual milk’†, (†Å"Weaned Affections†) many Puritans may still have had a difficult time with mastering this spiritual ideal. In â€Å"Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666,† Bradstreet depicts how the loss of her home is initially challenging for her to endure through her reminiscing of how she will miss her physical possessions and how her home enabled her to fulfill her duties as a wifeRead MoreReview Of Upon The Burning Of Our House By Anne Bradstreet2061 Words   |  9 Pagesoccur in their life to compile their works. Readers often relate to tragic works that develop into a relatable struggle and this attributes to many poets’ fame. Anne Bradstreet is an example of one of these types of writers. Her poem, Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666, describes one of the most devastating life events that one can go through and was her claim to fame. Anne Bradstreet’s tragic life led her to a very successful career that would change the literary worl d for years to comeRead MoreHere Follows Some Verses Upon the Burning of Our House, by Anne Bradstreet985 Words   |  4 PagesAlthough the common practice entailed brushing religious struggles under the rug, few writers bravely wrote of their religious doubts and endeavors to become better Puritans. Author Anne Bradstreet shows in her work â€Å"Here Follows Some Verse upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666† that religious struggles are often met by Puritans and it takes brave souls to admit their difficult time with their religion. This poem shows a woman dealing with a religious crisis and how even though she struggles herRead MoreAnne Bradstreet s Influence On Me As A Reader1182 Words   |  5 Pagesof My Dear Grandchild-Elizabeth Bradstreet. Who Deceased August, 1665 Being a Year and Half Old and Upon the Burning of Our House. In Memory of My Dear Grandchild was about her grandchild named Elizabeth Bradstreet who died being a year and half old. Throughout the p oem, she mourned for the baby’s death while accepting God’s will. In Upon the Burning of Our House, she talked the burning of her house. This paper would show how Ann Bradstreet’s poems have a positive affect on me as a reader. BradstreetRead MoreThe Puritan Views Of Puritans860 Words   |  4 Pagesreligious conformity and unity in New England, while suppressing individualism. Not only was Roger Williams individualism suppressed, but Anne Hutchinson’s was as well. Hutchinson had a tremendous following, as she kept â€Å"two public lectures . . . in her house†(Winthrop 108) that contained â€Å"sixty or eighty persons† (108). In addition to her large audience, in her lectures she addressed â€Å"the ministers . . . for not preaching a covenant of free grace,† (Winthrop 108) through her criticisms of the church sheRead MoreAnalysis Of Anne Bradstreet And Edward Taylor1157 Words   |  5 Pagescommon or average Puritan. Therefore, there is far less ornamentation in her poetry. If one compares the Bradstreet’s â€Å"Here Follows Some Verses Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666.† and Taylor’s â€Å" From God’s Determinations.† One can see the difference in syntax clearly. Bradstreet uses simple diction while tackling the topic of her burning house. She uses simple and conversational diction and metaphors. Yet one cannot deny the effectiveness of this simple style. The use of the â€Å"mighty Architect†Read MorePersonality Vs Religion By Anne Bradstreet1395 Words   |  6 Pagesvery strict moral and religious rules about the proper way to behave and live. Puritans based their beliefs off the idea that God was morally right and supreme above all others. In Anne Bradstreet’s â€Å"To My Dear and Loving Husband† and â€Å"Upon the Burning of Our House† and Jonathan Edwards’ â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† it is very evident of this idea that the Puritans had believed. With the access to the Earl’s library, Anne Bradstreet used it to help educate herself. Marrying young, Anne BradstreetRead More Anne Bradstreet Essay1512 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Earth. There are several poems of Bradstreet that demonstrate this conflict. There is â€Å"Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666† and the ones written on the deaths of her grandchildren. These are both examples of her feelings about life on Earth and her religious beliefs. In the critical essay of Robert D. Richardson Jr., he examines the poem â€Å"Upon the Burning of Our House† from a conventional Puritan point of view, â€Å"an exercise in finding the hand of God behind every apparent

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