Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Evaluation Of Counseling As Assessment And Diagnosis

Whiston in section three of her book provided an in-depth analysis of applications and issues of assessments in counseling as assessment and diagnosis are vital concepts in the counseling process. It therefore becomes imperative for differing counselors to understand formal diagnostic procedures and the fact that â€Å"diagnosis is the prevalence of individuals with significant psychological difficulties† (p. 296). Diagnostic systems are used to provide professionals with a general language governing diagnostic terms to eliminate individuals’ use of personal definitions. The most widely used diagnostic systems within the mental health service are; the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV- TR-TR) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10-CM). The use of diagnostic systems is also considered â€Å"helpful in conceptualizing cases† (p. 296). Effective use of a diagnostic system requires a â€Å"thorough appraisal of a clientà ¢â‚¬â„¢s problems, physical condition and symptoms, and environmental influences† (p. 297). A diagnosis is usually derived from client information obtained from either informal or formal assessment tools or simply an amalgamation of both. The DSM-IV-TR diagnostic system is multiaxial and captures the information needed for treatment planning on five axes labeled axis I, axis II, axis III, axis IV and axis V. Axis I looks at clinical disorders and other clinical conditions that may be a focus of attention. Axis II captures personalityShow MoreRelatedEssay about Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning652 Words   |  3 PagesAssessment Case conceptualization explains the nature of a client’s problem and how they develop such problem ( Hersen, Porzelius, p.3, 2002) In counseling, assessment is viewed as a systematic gathering of information to address a client’s presenting concerns effectively. 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