Friday, January 3, 2020

A Research Study On Patient Profile Essay - 1763 Words

Patient Profile Susie is a 17 year old Caucasian female who is presenting to the clinic for excessive vaginal discharge and burning when she urinates over the past 3 days. She also reports not feeling well. â€Å"I get light headed when I stand up and I can’t get rid of my headache.’ Patient has no knowledge of past medical history, but does report alcohol use and smoking approximately  ½ a pack of cigarettes per day. Patient reports she doesn’t take any prescription medications, but does take an over-the-counter diuretic every day. Patient states, â€Å"I’ve lost 20 pounds, and want to lose 10 more.† Patient able to state that she does occasionally binge while she is eating. â€Å"I throw it up afterwards because I don’t feel good†. â€Å"All the girls at school do it†. Assessment Vitals: Patient has a height of 65 inches and weight 110 lbs, placing her BMI at 17. Her blood pressure is 99/58 and she has a pulse of 62, She is afebrile at 97.9 F and her respirations are 12 breaths per minute. Laboratory Studies: Her CBC shows an elevated White blood count at 14,000 and an elevated hematocrit at 46 showing signs of dehydration and possible infection. The Basic metabolic panel showed an elevated BUN at 21 and a decreased sodium level, and her urinalysis showed an amber colored urine, all indicative of dehydration. A NAAT urine analysis came back positive for Chlamydia and negative for Gonorrhea, and a Pap smear also came back positive for Chlamydia and negative for Gonorrhea. IntegumentShow MoreRelatedBackground of Study(Tuberculosis)1743 Words   |  7 PagesBackground of the study Drugs, treatment and services are rendered to prevent and cure different diseases that are fatal like cancer, stroke and tuberculosis. The interventions of health care are needed in order to decrease the mortality and morbidity rate. 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