Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ibn Battuta and Mali Essay Example

Ibn Battuta and Mali Essay Example Ibn Battuta and Mali Essay Ibn Battuta and Mali Essay Mali tradition was full with ceremonials that highlighted gracious gift-giving. particular respect to their leaders and changeless congratulations of God that were indispensable and important parts of their political relations and civilization. Upon reaching in Mali. Ibn Battuta was met by his host along with prominent residents which included the qadi and a tribunal translator. Dugha. They brought with them hospitality gifts. Battuta felt most welcomed and by manner of thanks asked for God to honor them for their kindness. Their best dish was served Battuta. He was to run into the grand Turk. following. who gave a munificent banquet to honour Battuta’s late grand Turk of Morocco. After the supplications he was presented to the grand Turk who greeted him with Give thanks to God and his answer was Praise be to God. He received a cordial reception gift from the grand Turk which included robes of award. money. 3 bars of staff of life. a piece of beef fried in native oil. and a calabash of rancid curds. There was gaudery and pageantry when the sultan held audience at the courtyard. The people obeyed his every word and gave him their full attending when he spoke. Dugha was given his bend to demo his art with the blades. The grand Turk gifted him with a bag incorporating 200 withqals of gold dust. The commanding officers took their bends of gift-giving to Dugha. After his exhibition. it was the sultan’s bend to be exalted in verse forms. The people began with The pompi which you occupy †¦ followed by a recitation of his baronial workss. which they said memories [ of ] will outlast you. Once the grand Turk was visited by negro man-eaters in the company of one of their emirs. The grand Turk by usage received them with honor along with a negress retainer as cordial reception gift. They devoured the retainer and left after they gave thanks to the grand Turk. At the terminal of his travels. Battuta came to see the Commander of the Faithful which he wished that May God strengthen him when Battuta kissed his manus in salutation. Reference Battuta. I. ( 1929 ) . Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354. tr. and ed. H. A. R. Gibb. London: Broadway House.

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