Monday, October 21, 2019

artist throughout history that essays

artist throughout history that essays Artists throughout History That Have Self-Destructed The most successful or famous artists are not always as happy as successful people are portrayed- living a life of fame, fortune, and glamour. The following examples will show some of the problems that four different artists have suffered in the past century.Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter who lived from March 30, 1853 to July 29, 1890. He is now one of the most famous painters in modern art (World Book 306). He only sold one painting in his living days, but now his paintings are considered priceless.Some of his paintings and drawings include: The Bedroom at Arles 1888 Self-Portrait 1888 Vase with 12 Sunflowers 1888 Langlois Bridge with Women Washing 1888 (Sweetman 378)Those are just a few of his accomplishments, though he has created many, many more works of art.In 1888, artist Paul Gaugin moved into Vincent's house with him. At first everything worked out fine, but within the year, their personalities started to clash , and big problems arose. Then, on December 23, 1888, Paul Gaugin was taking a walk in the nearby public garden, when, according to his memoir "Avant et Apres," Vincent chased after Gaugin with an open razor blade. But, when Gaugin turned around, Vincent turned and ran home. Gaugin decided that this threat was too much for him to take, so he checked into a hotel room for the night. When Paul Gaugin arrived at home the next morning, he saw a crowd of police officers and citizens surrounding the house. When he went in the house he saw that there was blood everywhere- on towels and blankets, then a trail leading up the stairs. When he got to Vincent's bedroom, he found him curled up on his bed covered in sheets pink with blood. Gaugin thought Vincent was dead, but when he went to touch his friend's hand, it radiat! ed warmth from his friend's body (Sweetman 290). Gaugin found out later that Vincent had cut off almost his whole left ear, wrapped it in newspape...

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