Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Creating value Through Business Model Innovation MIT Sloan Management

Question: Depict aboiut the Creating an incentive Through Business Model Innovation for MIT Sloan Management? Answer: Presentation Marking is an idea, which stretches out a long ways past the promoting of brand name. Brand is utilized in organizations, promoting of items and the procedure of ads. Marking includes the way toward making an extraordinary name and character of an item or administration in the brain of the client. Brand the executives is the continuation of this procedure, keeping up the brand name. This includes various vital execution by the organization for supporting the brand picture. This investigation includes the conversation of key brand the board procedure for breaking down the brand and a diagram of the client based brand value model. Later piece of the examination will include the brand methodologies utilized by a brand. For showing signs of improvement understanding, the specialist has taken Apple Inc. as a contextual analysis. Examination of brand utilizing MIT key Brand process Model Key brand the board procedure includes four stages, which are: Distinguishing and setting up of the brand situating this includes the demonstration of structuring the organization's offer and picture so it involves an unmistakable and worth spot in the brain of the objective client. The key ideas are the purposes of distinction, which persuades the client about the positive highlights of the item and how it is better than the opposition item. The psychological guide that is answerable for the visual portrayal of the different affiliations connected to the brand in the brains of the buyers. The center brand affiliations is the subset of affiliations, which are the two advantages, and traits which is describes the brand, and the brand mantra, which is the substance of the brand. Arranging and usage of brand advertising programs with the key ideas of picking the components of the brand like the distinctive brand components logos, pictures, bundling, images, mottos and so forth various components have various favorable circumstances. Coordination of the brand into the exercises of promoting and supporting the advertising program, these make the greatest commitment and can make solid, ideal and remarkable brand relationship in an assortment of ways. Utilizing the optional affiliations, similar to when the brands are connected with source, for example, nations, characters, wearing or the social occasions and so forth. Fundamentally, utilizing different relationship for the brand for making a few relationship of the brand's own value and some for the advertisers too Estimation and understanding of the brand execution, which incorporates the brand review, for the appraisal of the wellspring of value of the brand and for recommending approaches to improve and use it. The brand esteem chain helps in the better comprehension of the money related effects of the brand promoting speculations and consumptions. Brand value estimating framework incorporates a lot of instruments and methods, which help the advertisers in taking any strategic choice for a short rum for on long haul premise (Worm and Stefan, 2012). Developing and the supporting of the brand value characterizes the brand methodology that catches the marking connection between the different items or administrations offered by the firm utilizing the instruments of brand-item grid, brand progressive system and brand portfolio. Overseeing of the brand value over the time requires taking a drawn out view just as a transient perspective on the advertising choices as they will influence the accomplishment of future showcasing programs. Dealing with the brand value over the distinctive geological limits, fragments of the market and various societies, requires the worldwide variables to be considered alongside various kind of the customers. Also, the particular information about the experience and the practices of the new topographies or market fragments while growing the brand abroad or into new market portions (Uggla and Henrik, 2014). Examination of points of interest of more grounded marks over more vulnerable brands utilizing Customer Based Brand Equity model A client based value model incorporates the building up of legitimate brand personality, which is setting up the expansiveness and the width of brand mindfulness. This makes a fitting importance of the brand with the assistance of solid, remarkable and good brand affiliations and furthermore evokes available and positive reactions for the brand (Starcevic and Sladjana, 2013). At long last, this model fashions the brand associations with the clients that can be portrayed by extraordinary and dynamic faithfulness. Figure 1: Customer based brand value model (Source: Schmitt, 2012) Stage 1 Salience (who are you) includes the formation of brand mindfulness, the brands needs to stick out and is perceived by the clients. Brand observations should be right in the psyche. Stage 2 is the brand meaning (what are you). Here recognizable proof of the brand and conveying it is finished. What the brand is about. Execution and symbolism are the structure squares. Stage 3 (what do I think or feel about you) is the reaction from the clients after they have made an observation about the brand. The reaction will be founded on decisions and emotions. According to (Schmidt et al. 2014), the reaction can be terrible and can be acceptable too. Clients judge the brand on the quality, validity, thought and prevalence of the brand. How the brand causes them to feel is another vital factor. Regardless of whether they feel warmth, fun, secure, energized, every last bit of it differs. Stage 4 incorporates the brand reverberation (how much association might I want to have with you). It i s the most troublesome and the most alluring level. Brand reverberation is accomplished when the client feel a profound mental holding with the brand. The solid brand have rich buyer mindfulness, the clients are very much aware of the brand, and keep themselves refreshed about it rather than the frail brands which have poor purchaser mindfulness (Ren et al.2013). Legitimate brand mindfulness opens up more extent of development and augments brand value, which is significant for the budgetary advantage of the organization. The brand Apple use its image value for charging premium charges for its items. Results of Apple like the iPhone, iPad, iPod make adequate incentive for the organizations which incorporate brand an incentive to be decided sheets as an advantage. Frail brand names give next to no or no brand value and thusly give no worth included onto an item or administration. The solid brands appreciate rehashed deals in contrast with the feeble brands, which mean the client is faithful to the brand. Apple have a solid brand name which tempts the clients to buy the item over and over. The clients of Apple don't will in general sw itch marks without any problem. It requires some investment and assets for the production of a solid brand name, and this region isn't be plunged on by any association. The brand value and client establishment of Apple Inc is exceptionally solid, similar to the inclination of Apple among the Mac people group has kept the brand alive all over these years and empower the organization to support its costs, which is including some hidden costs to the clients (Punyatoya and Plavini, 2014). Apple Inc marking procedures The brand intrigue of Apple items lie in the special highlights that can be considered as its remarkable selling suggestion. The supportability of any brand in the market is massively reliant on how much brand offer does the item has (Musekiwa, et al. 2013). The continually developing serious market requests to assemble a solid security with the clients. Brand offer by Apple should be possible on balanced premise or taking the enthusiastic perspective. Levelheaded Approach by Apple would incorporate persuading the clients dependent on the highlights of the gadget. At the point when it come to putting away cash, a ton of reasoning procedure becomes an integral factor, which in particular incorporates getting an incentive for cash. Enthusiastic intrigue is thought about when the client is pulled in to the brand because of passionate reasons (Mamula, 2012). Aside from the long haul, confidence on the brand, the showcasing and commercial for advancing the item likewise has sway on the pu rchasers altogether. Be that as it may, the brand technique chiefly centers around the client's feelings, as the brand character of Apple is about way of life, creative mind, advancement, desires, and giving capacity to the clients by the methods for innovation. Apple have the intensity of representative commitment, where the laborers are not minor clients but rather likewise Apple lovers. The organization have an independently ground-breaking store technique, where they possess and work in excess of 434 stores in 16 nations (Liu et al. 2013). Apple Inc considers its crucial, and past simply bringing in cash. It gives extraordinary consideration to the worker commitment around the brand's qualities, and continually centers around advancement of the item. The brand endeavors to control the chain of interchanges however much as could be expected alongside the channel of appropriation. Figure 2: Maximum portfolio esteem (Source: Hanna, 2012) The blue sea system execution by Apple has permitted it to reproduce the limits of the market, and spotlight on the master plan as opposed to simply the numbers. Apple executed the procedure for the iTunes for making it increasingly ideal application programming for the clients. This system was remarkable, as the achievement of the iTunes would take care of into other hot item by a similar organization like the iPod. As it is a more structure driven association, it puts the clients at the focal point of the item advancement, which makes the need of the item, and Apple misuses the recently made piece of the overall industry getting an edge over its rivals (Gabrielli, 2012). The brand portfolio for Apple is the viable creation, improvement and the administration of brand resources in agreement to the concurrent top and primary concern development, the most extreme portfolio worth can be accomplished by getting to the new market just as the clients like FedEx, effectiveness in the ventu re like ups, reinforcing client connections like GE or revealing the inactive brand potential like Apple Inc. Figure 3

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Space and Architecture. A beach house Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Space and Architecture. A sea shore house - Essay Example This is then bolstered by Pierre Bordieu in his â€Å"The Berber House†. He accepts that objects, language, occasions, related with a specific space are a microcosm of a bigger culture. Utilizing this methodology of Bordieu in the above picture, a sea shore house that is based upon a stone or concrete, it would as of now disclose to us that this house was worked for permanency. It is profoundly established at the base of the ocean through the concrete boards that is supporting the house and making it as steady as could reasonably be expected. Beside that, the entryways are made of glass which is related with accommodation and reasonableness as glass is something that is anything but difficult to track down and simultaneously would not require such a great amount of support when contrasted with wood. This would give us an idea that the structure was not just made to give a position of relaxation or an all out break from the city, rather is a spot that would simultaneously be helpful for work or anything that would permit any everyday practice to be managed without problem. The inside of the house too is comprised of windows and many open spaces through moving entryways. This fair gives us a feeling that the house wants to be ventilated by outside air to take advantage of the ocean breeze as opposed to utilizing power. Hanging window ornaments would likewise be a decent wellspring of controlling the light originating from the sun to go into the entire house. This shows the adaptability of the house to respond to various climate changes that may happen.

Battle of Fallen Timbers - Northwest Indian War

Skirmish of Fallen Timbers - Northwest Indian War The Battle of Fallen Timbers was battled August 20, 1794 and was the last skirmish of the Northwest Indian War (1785-1795). As a component of the bargain finishing the American Revolution, Great Britain surrendered to the new United States the grounds over the Appalachian Mountains as far west as the Mississippi River. In Ohio, a few Native American clans met up in 1785, to frame the Western Confederacy with the objective of managing the United States. The next year, they concluded that the Ohio River would fill in as the outskirt between their territories and the Americans. In the mid-1780s, the Confederacy started a progression of strikes south of the Ohio into Kentucky to dishearten settlement. Strife on the Frontier To manage the danger presented by the Confederacy, President George Washington trained Brigadier General Josiah Harmar to assault into Shawnee and Miami lands with the objective of wrecking the town of Kekionga (present-day Fort Wayne, IN). As the US Army had basically been disbanded after the American Revolution, Harmar walked west with a little power of regulars and around 1,100 state army. Taking on two conflicts in October 1790, Harmar was crushed by Confederacy warriors drove by Little Turtle and Blue Jacket. St. Clairs Defeat The next year, another power was dispatched under Major General Arthur St. Clair. Preparations for the crusade started in mid 1791 with the objective of moving north to take the Miami capital of Kekionga. In spite of the fact that Washington exhorted St. Clair to walk during the hotter summer months, relentless gracefully issues and strategic issues postponed the endeavors takeoff until October. When St. Clair withdrew Fort Washington (present-day Cincinnati, OH), he had around 2,000 men of which just 600 were regulars. Assaulted by Little Turtle, Blue Jacket, and Buckongahelas on November 4, St. Clairs armed force was steered. In the fight, his order lost 632 executed/caught and 264 injured. Likewise, practically the entirety of the 200 camp adherents, huge numbers of whom had battled close by the fighters, were slaughtered. Of the 920 officers who entered the battle, just 24 rose healthy. In the triumph, Little Turtles power just supported 21 executed and 40 injured. With a setback pace of 97.4%, the Battle of the Wabash denoted the most exceedingly terrible destruction throughout the entire existence of the US Army.â Armed forces Commanders US Significant General Anthony Wayne3,000 men Western Confederacy Blue JacketBuckongahelasLittle Turtle1,500 men Wayne Prepares In 1792, Washington went to Major General Anthony Wayne and solicited him manufacture a power skilled from crushing the Confederacy. A forceful Pennsylvanian, Wayne had more than once separated himself during the American Revolution. At the recommendation of Secretary of War Henry Knox, the choice was made enroll and train an army which would join light and overwhelming infantry with big guns and rangers. This idea was affirmed by Congress which consented to enlarge the little standing armed force for the term of the contention with the Native Americans. Moving rapidly, Wayne started amassing another power close Ambridge, PA at a camp named Legionville. Understanding that past powers had needed preparing and control, Wayne spent a lot of 1793 penetrating and teaching his men.â Titling his military the Legion of the United States, Waynes power comprised of four sub-armies, each directed by a lieutenant colonel. These contained of two brigades of infantry, a contingent of shooters/skirmishers, a group of dragoons, and a battery of cannons. The independent structure of the sub-armies implied they could work adequately on their own.â Moving to Battle In late 1793, Wayne moved his order down the Ohio to Fort Washington (present-day Cincinnati, OH). From here, units moved north as Wayne fabricated a progression of posts to ensure his flexibly lines and the pilgrims in his back. As Waynes 3,000 men moved north, Little Turtle got worried about the Confederacys capacity to overcome him. Following an exploratory assault close to Fort Recovery in June 1794, Little Turtle started to advocate for haggling with the US. Repelled by the Confederacy, Little Turtle surrendered total order to Blue Jacket. Moving to stand up to Wayne, Blue Jacket expected a cautious situation along the Maumee River almost a thicket of fallen trees and near British-held Fort Miami. It was trusted that the fallen trees would slow the development of Waynes men. The Americans Strike On August 20, 1794, the lead components of Waynes order experienced harsh criticism from Confederacy forces.â Quickly evaluating the circumstance, Wayne sent the his soldiers with his infantry drove by Brigadier General James Wilkinson on the privilege and Colonel John Hamtramck on the left.â The Legions rangers monitored the American right while detachment of mounted Kentuckians secured the other wing.â As the landscape seemed to block the successful utilization of mounted force, Wayne requested his infantry to mount a knife assault to flush the foe from the fallen trees.â This done, they could be viably dispatched with gun discharge. Propelling, the prevalent control of Waynes troops immediately started to tell and the Confederacy was before long constrained out of its position. Beginning to break, they started to escape the field when the American mounted force, charging over the fallen trees, joined the fight. Directed, the Confederacys warriors fled towards Fort Miami trusting that the British would give assurance. Showing up there found the entryways shut as the posts administrator didn't wish to begin a war with the Americans. As the Confederacys men fled, Wayne requested his soldiers to consume the entirety of the towns and yields in the territory and afterward withdrawal to Fort Greenville. Result Impact In the battling at Fallen Timbers, Waynes Legion lost 33 dead and 100 injured. Reports strife in regards to the Confederacys setbacks, with Wayne asserting 30-40 dead on the field to the British Indian Department expressing 19. The triumph at Fallen Timbers eventually prompted the marking of the Treaty of Greenville in 1795, which finished the contention and expelled all Confederacy cases to Ohio and the encompassing grounds. Among those Confederacy chiefs who wouldn't sign the arrangement was Tecumseh, who might restore the contention ten years after the fact.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Modern Day Church’s View of Suicide as Opposed to Islamic Views Essay

Self destruction, the premonition that a people passing will result from self caused activities, has arrived at amazing magnitude in late decades. The World Health Organization states Å"more individuals are passing on from self destruction than from all the equipped clashes far and wide.  (Donnelly, 106). This training presents a moral issue that is eventually a matter of qualities and how they are contemplated. Religion gives a system through which these perspectives can be communicated. It is particularly essential to comprehend the Christian and Islamic points of view on self destruction by following their essential writings and customs. The Biblical View of Suicide As the essential content of Christianity, the Bible has a code of good guidelines, spreading over from the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament to the Sermon on the Mount and the extraordinary edicts in the New Testament. What gives virtues, for example, love and human pride, and the decree Å"thou shalt not kill  such convincing power is more than the prohibiting of homicide, even self-murder. These statutes uncover the commitment to exhibit functional regard for the estimation of human life (Mahohel, 2). In spite of the fact that there are a few suicides referenced in the Bible: Saul(1 Samuel. 31:4); Ahitophel(2 Samuel 17:23);Zimri (1 Kings 16:18); and Judas (Matthew 27:5), the Bible doesnt explicitly censure suicides. Notwithstanding, it condemns murder in the sixth charge and that is the thing that self destruction is: self-murder. A Christian who ends it all won't lose salvation and end up in damnation since John 3:16 shows that an individual is unceasingly secure. Romans 8:38-39 says that no condition can square Gods love to Christians. Hence, on the off chance that no made thing can isolate a Christian from Gods love, at that point a Christian who ends it all is a made thing and not even self destruction can forestall Gods love. Jesus passed on for all transgression. On the off chance that a valid Christian were to submit that transgression, Jesus kicked the bucket for it. By and by, it is self-murder and establishes a genuine sin against God (Stewart, p. 31). Self destruction in the Christian Tradition The Christian convention repects life. Despite the fact that the early Church gave scarcely any official decrees against self destruction, the common viewheld that self destruction was viewed as murder and at times more terrible. In the fourth century, Augustine was the first to make that denial supreme, upbraiding it as a Å"detestable and abhorrent wickedness,  (Stewart, 34) resounding the other church fathers, for example, Tertullian, Justin Cyprian, Clement of Alexandria, and Lactantius who all dismissed self destruction. John of Chryostom gave an explanation that set on the off chance that it were base to wreck others, it was a lot of more awful to devastate oneself(Amundsen, 98). Albeit Christian pioneers applauded saints who clutched their confidence even unto passing, they reprimanded the individuals who hurried also enthusiastically to a saints demise. The objective of suffering was to stay dependable, not to expect ones demise (Ibid, 109-111). Aquinas and the medieval Church explicitly precluded demonstrations of self destruction. In his Encyclical Letter (March 25, 1995) Pope John Paul II states: Å"The Churchs convention has constantly dismissed self destruction as a gravely underhanded decision.  The current day Church despite everything sticks to that point of view as a result of two overwhelming systems. The main says that man and lady are made in the picture of God, Å"Imago Deo,  (Genesis 3:26) and all things considered, share in the Divine similarity. Accordingly, people take part in domain over the remainder of the physical creation, authorized to practice dynamic stewardship and activity as Gods bad habit official. Not exclusively are people Gods creation, they are His property, characterized by such terms as potter-dirt and shepherd-sheep. Since life have a place with God, it isn't right to take it. Moreover, there is a Christian viewpoint which expresses that life is a blessing from God. A definitive good establishments of Christian tenet: creation, sin, salvation and satisfaction strengthen this view. The choice to bite the dust is Gods alone (Stewart, 33). The case versus self destruction states necessitates that Gods endowment of life isn't an out and out blessing, however a confined one, and people are not to expend or demolish it at their carefulness. In this viewpoint God will request a full record for deciding when to decide to end life. The self destruction dubiously discloses to God that He will essentially need to take the deeds acted in the body as opposed to viewing life as a trust, by not deserting it, or denying that God is commendable. The decision of self destruction appears to damage the obligation to live in a manner which shows appreciation towards what has been given ( Camenish, 216). Since God is otherworldly, at last all things, in any event, enduring will be made well. The Qurannic View of Suicide The Quran explicitly precludes self destruction, seeing all life as sacrosanct. The holiness of human life is concurred an uncommon spot. The Quran expresses that the as a matter of first importance essential existence of an individual is the correct t Take not life, which God has caused sacrosanct, to aside from by method of equity and law; consequently doth He order you, that you may learn knowledge (Quran 6:151) Additionally, the Quran states: If anybody slew an individual, except if it be for homicide, or for spreading underhandedness in the entire land, it would be as though he slew the entire individuals and if any one spared an actual existence, it would be as though he spared the life of an entire people. (Quran 5:32) Thus, the Quran is absolutely clear where it remains on the taking of life. The Islamic Tradition and the View of Suicide considering the Qurannic point of view of regard for human life, how at that point did the ubiquity of self destruction planes happen? Exploding oneself and often executing guiltless casualties in such a fear monger way totally disproves the Quran. However a strict viewpoint can supplant the customary point of view. This strict point of view is jihad, or the call to a sacred war, first gave by the originator of Islam, the prophet Mohhammed. Mohhammed got a Å"naskh,  another disclosure which supplanted the past ones in the Quran. Surah 9:5 drops every single past disclosure, counseling his disciples to rehearse war and intimidation to the current day. Essentially Surah 9: 5 sets that Muslims must battle any individual who decides not to change over to Islam. Since Islam is a religion of works, the jihad is an extraordinary obligation and respect that intends to change over the heathen forcibly. Jihad is behind each self-destructive fear based oppressor who submits these demonstrations for the sake of Islam. In the event that doesnt matter on the off chance that they win or on the off chance that they pass on in the jihad, since they will be effective in any case: on the off chance that they win, they get triumph; in the event that they kick the bucket, they are respected by God. Current jihad originated from Sayib Qutb, conceived in 1906, who visited the U. S. what's more, saw that the Americans were not completely committed to religion and that the American Muslims likewise had an absence of conviction. He began the radical Islamic development that resounds right up 'til today. Container Laden and Al Qaida took in their self-destructive procedures structure the development of jihad in Iran, Eygpt and Sudan (Gabriel, 1). In Haaretz paper (December 9, 2001) Sheik Akramek Sabri said that sucide aircraft are advocated and ought to be empowered, critizing different strict pioneers who gave an Islamic decision (fatwa) against self destruction assaults. The sheik of the Mosque of Cairo decided that Islamic law doesn't excuse self destruction assaults against guiltless casualties. An unmistakable mufti in Saudi Arabia gave a comparative sentiment. In any case, Omar Rahman, pioneer of al Jihad and the genius behind the World Trade Center besieging of 1993, noticed that jihad and murdering are the head of Islam and that on the off chance that they are taken out, so is the head . By following the way of thinking of accommodation, a Muslim is one who submits to Allah, the self destruction assailant seems, by all accounts, to be around for a long time(Ibid, December 9,2001). Outline Although both Christianity and Islams official positions forbid self destruction, the current day results vary. While the Bible has the 6th decree and different refrains and the Quran has 5:32 and 6:151 which regard life, Christianity stays reliable through the ages in review self destruction as negative. For Christians, life is a blessing and consequently people are GodËœs property. Islam , be that as it may, has further disclosures which override the past ones found in the Quran. These extra disclosures incorporate a call to jihad or heavenly war, in this manner making self-murdering passable and even regarded. End It is important to consider the structures of both Christianity and Islam to acquire in excess of a shallow perspective on their points of view of self destruction. In spite of the fact that Church custom doesnt change its situation of self executing in Christianity, as appeared by the early church fathers considering it a horrifying presence and expressing that murdering oneself is surprisingly more dreadful than slaughtering others down to the later medieval church and Aquinas expressing that it is unnatural ; in this way restricting the taking of ones own life. Pope John Paul IIs encyclical letter expresses that self destruction is a Å"wicked sin,Å" holding life consecrated and as a trust. Current church customs, while not as brutal and announcing genuine Christian suicides will go to paradise, by the by contrast Christians and God as a figure of power. He is the proprietor of the Christian, their maker and the potter who forms the dirt, the shepherd who controls the sheep. Also, God has given all people the endowment of life, which is to be viewed as a holy trust and not to be messed with through its early taking. Just God, and God alone, can decide when life is finished. On the off chance that a Christian ends their life rashly, they are looting God, revealing to Him He should be happy with just the works they have performed to that stage. Since Christianity has at its heart the significant teachings of creation, sin, salvation and satisfaction, nothing can isolate the Christian from God, either in this world or the world to come. God is both natural and extraordinary and He will make all things at last show up generally advantageous, along these lines consoling the Christian to hold tight and not end it all. Then again, official Islam declares one message while rehearsing another. The Quran expresses that all

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A thousand million questions

A thousand million questions Today while running westward at sunset, I was nearly blinded by the huge, angry sun. Boston sunsets are always brilliantly red and beautiful, probably because of the massive quantities of air pollution from the city. Anyway, I wondered if I could somehow jog fast enough that the sunset would be on the other side of me, but then I realized that in order to that Id have to run faster than the rotation of the earth. I spent the rest of the jog estimating that in miles-per-hour and minutes-per-mile. Hours later, my floor headed down to the Asgard Irish Pub and Restaurant for Tuesday trivia night. The pub serves such Irish delicacies as shepherds pie, bangers n mash, Emerald Isle nachos, Galway hot wings, and, of course, those great Gaelic quesadillas. Here are five of the most noteworthy questions from the trivia competition: 1. What famous general-turned-president coined the term military-industrial complex in his farewell address? 2. What now-deceased rock singers real name was Farrokh Bulsara? He was famous for holding up a microphone stand without the bottom part. 3. What two countries flags are square? 4. New Jersey and Oregon are the only states where it is illegal to do what at a gas station? 5. What famous 1972 song has the lyric do, d-do, d-do, do d-do? We were joined in our efforts by Professor Merritt Roe Smith and his wife. Hes the housemaster for Burton-Conner, a scholar of the history of technology, and a regular at the Asgard. After Professor Smith quickly answered the first question above, I joked that he wrote the book on the subject, since we had discussed it in STS.001, a class that he designed three decades ago. He replied, with a laugh, I actually told him to put that in the speech! I said, hey, thats a good term for whats going on in this country.' Im still not sure if he was kidding or not. Scroll down slightly for the answers. 1. Dwight Eisenhower 2. Freddie Mercury 3. Switzerland and Vatican City 4. Pump your own gas 5. Walk On The Wild Side by Lou Reed Despite correct answers to four of the above questions (though we totally guessed on number 3), we still only managed a fourth-place finish. Nevertheless, the night was redeemed for me by the appearance of celebrity chef/secret crush Alton Brown in the picture identification round. Overall, a great way to spend my last official night of summertomorrow, find out what exciting classes Im taking at the same time I do! Do you still believe that I do things even when there arent pictures? Shout out from BC Desk to Clifton on his eighteenth birthday.